A debate that attracted more Republicans than young people – NRK Urix – Foreign News and Documentaries


A typical 90-minute political debate took place in Salt Lake City last night.

It feels like something a bit new to the American who has gotten used to the Donald Trump style.

The crown pandemic was naturally the biggest topic, but Kamala Harris (55) and Mike Pence (61) also touched on economics, climate policy, the Supreme Court and foreign policy in a 90-minute exchange of views. That will hardly make many Americans change their minds about who to turn to. Vote for.

Within hours of the debate, 59 percent of CNN viewers thought Harris did better in the debate, while 38 voted for Pence. On Fox News, Pence is named the winner, with 69.7 percent of the vote.

Mike Pence and Kamala Harris behind Plexiglas in the debate.

Mike Pence and Kamala Harris behind Plexiglas in the debate.

Photo: Reuters / NTB

Get rid of deaths and infection control

Mike Pence did not respond categorically to many of the questions that were asked directly.

Probably the most important thing was why so many Americans have died of COVID-19 than in other industrialized countries.

“The president has put American health first and introduced travel restrictions from China as the first president in American history,” Pence said.

He claimed that these restrictions saved hundreds of thousands of lives, adding that many more Americans were infected with swine flu in 2009 when Joe Biden was vice president. Pence’s “problem” is that the virus was much less lethal at the time.

Pence also backed away when asked how he can expect people to abide by infection control rules when the president’s own administration does not;

“Donald Trump trusts the American people,” Pence said, before adding that Democrats want the state to take charge of people’s lives in the fight against the pandemic.

Lett by Harris

Many commentators in the United States do not surprisingly believe that Kamala Harris was better than Pence in her responses to the pandemic. It is not very strange since she is not in a defensive position.

She promised a huge investment in infection screening and testing and free vaccines for all Americans if she and Joe Biden win the election. He then spoke directly to the voters:

– The American people have witnessed the greatest mistakes made by any president in the history of the United States. They found out on January 28 that the virus was deadly and spread through the air, but they didn’t tell you. They said it was a lie and made wearing a mask a political issue.


In an election campaign with far fewer election rallies than we are used to, last night’s debate was the most important opportunity Kamala Harris had to present herself to the American people.

She reviewed her CV and emphasized that she is the daughter of immigrants.

But he did little to appear as a political alternative to Joe Biden, especially to young voters who think he’s too far to the right.

Harris spoke more about Biden not wanting to raise taxes than about climate policy.

And he stressed several times that Biden is not against fracking, the environmentally friendly process that picks up shale oil from the ground.

However, she avoided a question about the radical climate proposal The Green New Deal put forward by Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Harris was the first in the Senate to support it.

Peace to Republicans in Pennsylvania

Harris’s responses seemed more aimed at clipping voters in states like Pennsylvania, which decided the election last, than at the large percentage of voters under 30 in this election.

They are concerned about climate policy and the most radical economic measures on the left.

I followed last night’s debate both on television and through a chat on the Discord online platform created by students at the University of Pittsburgh. There were several upsets that Harris sounded more like Ronald Reagan than Bernie Sanders.

Very little was said about young people in the debate tonight. Although Harris said he would help 20-year-olds who couldn’t pay their rent and were in the midst of financial disaster after the pandemic. Of course, he also promised to sign the United States back to the UN climate agreement.

Pence couldn’t promise a peaceful takeover

Mike Pence gracefully omitted many of the questions he was asked. Also on whether he could promise that Trump will ensure a peaceful inauguration if he loses the election.

When Kamala Harris was asked the same question, she only appealed to the people to vote and preferably as soon as possible. Democrats dream of a landslide victory in the election that can yield a clear result already on election night.

But it is not known how many new voters were recruited tonight. Most polls show that people have already made a decision.

Here you can see the whole debate between Kamala Harris and Mike Pence.
