Several quarantined after a Russian party in Bodø – more than 20 people must have been present – NRK


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According to Bodø Nu, who mentioned the case for the first time, it will be a Russian party where more than 20 people must have been present.

– We assume that there were more than 20 people at that party. It is based on the information provided in the detection of infections. You need to have confidence in the information you get in follow-up work, infection control doctor Kai Brynjar Hagen in Bodø municipality tells NRK.

A total of 32 people are now in quarantine in Bodø connected to this party, Hagen told NRK on Wednesday night.

Kai Brynjar Hagen

Infection control doctor Kai Brynjar Hagen in Bodø municipality believes the behavior is very unfortunate.

Photo: Josef Benoni Ness Tveit / NRK

– As for the last case, it is a young man who received a positive result last night despite the fact that he did not present symptoms. The background was that the person in question was in close contact with a known infected person, the doctor says.

Hagen emphasizes that the person in question has taken all precautions and is isolated. It is not known if the infected person was contagious at the party.

Russian President: – About 30 present

– It is a shame that the rules are not followed when there were about 30 people and there should be a maximum of 20, Russian President Sara Landaas at Bodin Upper Secondary School tells NRK.

Sara Landaas, Russian President for Russia 2021 at Bodin Upper Secondary School in Bodø.

Sara Landaas is the Russian President for Russians at Bodin High School 2021.


She says the Russian government thinks the situation is sad, but claims that most people comply with infection control rules.

– We try to make it clear that it is important to comply with infection control rules. There is a reason we have these rules.

Infection Control Doctor: – Very sorry

The last confirmed infected person must have been present at the relevant party within 48 hours before the person was confirmed to be infected.

– The people in question have been contacted and quarantined, says Hagen.

The infection control doctor confirms that more than 20 people have been contacted after this party.

– If this has been a party with too many who have been too close, it is very unfortunate. This may mean that the burden of disease and the measures that many have endured for a long time are out of control. And that of some people who see it as a privilege to go to a party where the rules are broken.

The garden encourages everyone to think more carefully before going to a party.

– The infection can occur without symptoms and then should have a behavior that is such that if someone has an infection with them in the vicinity, there is no transmission of the infection.

Most of the 38 people who are now in quarantine have been given time for testing tomorrow.

He dissociates himself from rumors and accusations.

According to Bodø Nu, there have been rumors on social media that hang out with individual groups and individuals.

The municipality denies to the newspaper that there is anyone who knowingly and intentionally turned up sick at the Russian holiday.

Hagen tells NRK that social media rumors are easily flooded.

– It is difficult to relate to the accusations that arise. I prefer to relate to the facts first.

He says that he distances himself from the accusations that have reached him.

– Not useful in relation to the pandemic. They are only suitable for harming people. People who may be afraid of the infection in the first place do not get better when many unsubstantiated accusations are spread in the east and west.

It has a clear appeal for those who suspect that they themselves are infected:

If you have well-founded concerns, you should contact the infection control in the municipality. We often have a completely different realistic perception of what has happened, than what the rumors say.
