Slippery road and snow warnings on the mountain this weekend


Slippery roads and the line of snow falling in the mountains of southern Norway are warned with a yellow warning. Precipitation can fall in the form of snow over 800-1000 meters.

– If someone is going to the cabin this weekend, or is going to drive up the mountain, it is important to be vigilant. Especially since the winter tire season has not started. People must drive in accordance with the conditions and use the proper tires when going over mountain passes.warns state meteorologist Rannveig Eikill at the Meteorological Institute.

Otherwise, the weather in southern Norway is characterized by rain and clouds, especially the first part of Friday.

– When Saturday is clearer and the weather is clear in several places towards Sunday, it can also be cold and perhaps night frosts in some parts of the interior, she says.

In the north

The good autumn weather in northern Norway, with many nice sunny days, is over.

– On Saturday there will be land winds. There won’t be much wind, but it will bring in more clouds and a little more rain on both Saturday and Sunday, Eikill says.

It has been quite hot in October across the country. Temperatures will gradually drop over the weekend and towards the beginning of next week.

– It will be more than what can be called normal temperatures. It’s been over 10 degrees in various places, but now temperatures drop below 10 degrees over the weekend, he says.

No fall storm

Trøndelag will also be covered in clouds and rain on Saturday, but flashes of sunshine on Sunday and early next week.

– It seems that there are no strong low pressures waiting, but small low pressures that give a variable climate, says the meteorologist.

The country has had a divided climate. In the north it has had a good start to October, while further south it has had a wet and gray start.

– We are now entering a time of more normal autumn weather, but so far there are no major autumn storms in sight.
