Fancy Trap, Celebrity | Experts on “fancy traps” are furious at Kjell-Roar’s behavior: – NM in disclaimer


Experts struggle to believe that Kjell-Roar Øverlier understands the seriousness.

In this week’s episode of “Luksusfellen,” experts Magne Gundersen and Hallgeir Kvadsheim manage to sharpen the finances of Kjell-Roar Øverlier, 41, of Sarpsborg.

But it’s not just the economy that needs to be cleaned up.

Experts are struggling to reach Øverlier and make him realize the seriousness.

Also read: You have more than a million in credit and consumer debt, but you have no idea what the money went to.

Click the pic to enlarge.  EXPLANATIONS: Experts have a hard time believing that Kjell-Roar Øverlier understands the seriousness of his financial problems.

EXPLANATIONS: Experts have a hard time believing that Kjell-Roar Øverlier understands the seriousness of his financial problems.
Photo: TV3

Kvadsheim actually gets so angry that he considers leaving after receiving explanations and laughter.

– It depends on this, that the economy manages to take your life on the right path. This is the SL in liability regulation, says the annoying expert in the episode.

Check out the episode clips in the video on top of the case!

1996 unpaid bills

Kjell-Roar Øverlier has a dream of buying his own home, but is not getting a mortgage due to various payment comments.

Among other things, he has an invoice for 1996, which was initially for NOK 4,139. The account was never paid and now owes just over 24,000 kroner. In other words, over the years it has increased by 600 percent.

In addition, you have a loan for an antique car that was originally 19,000 crowns, which has now increased to 113,000.

In total, an original debt of NOK 154,000 has ended at NOK 357,438, an increase of 132%. This is because Øverlier simply has not paid his bills on time.

Click the pic to enlarge.  UNPAID: Øverlier has several invoices since 1996 that have not been paid.  These have grown enormously over the years.

UNPAID: Øverlier has several invoices since 1996 that have not been paid. These have grown enormously over the years.
Photo: TV3

When asked by Nettavisen how Øverlie could not have paid such a large bill for so many years, he says that he was simply more interested in drinking beer and going to town than in paying the bills when the bills were due. Therefore, they ended up at the bottom of the stack.

– And over the years, it’s just been forgotten. In the end, I couldn’t bear to think about it anymore, they also got bigger and bigger. And I had no money, so I didn’t pay it and just threw the bills in the trash, he tells Nettavisen, 41.

– It ended up being the biggest burden for me, because I was always afraid to go to the mailbox and find bills and debt collection claims, he adds.

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Massive overconsumption

In the episode, the 41-year-old is honest that he has prioritized partying and fun over paying bills over the years.

Now, however, is the time to put finances in order, both for him and for his son. Hallgeir Kvadsheim, on the other hand, struggles, as mentioned, to understand if Øverlier realizes this.

Because even though you have a salary deduction of 9,200 kroner a month from before, it takes more to solve the challenges.

Click the pic to enlarge.  CARAVAN: Kvadsheim takes Øverlier on a motorhome trip to show how much money he spends annually.

CARAVAN: Kvadsheim takes Øverlier on a motorhome trip to show how much money he actually spends annually.
Photo: TV3

You should cut down on overconsumption, especially food and car waste.

In a motorhome borrowed from Øverlier’s work, he and Kvasdsheim set out on a journey to see how much money had gone straight out the window. The motorhome is filled with food to the tune of 33,000 kronor, as much as the 41-year-old’s overconsumption of food over the past year.

Also read: He broke up after the visit of “Luxury Trap”

Click the pic to enlarge.  REALIZES THE SERIOUSNESS: Only when he sees the huge sum does Øverlier realize how much money he has thrown out the window.

REALIZES THE SERIOUSNESS: It is only when he sees the huge sum that Øverlier realizes how much money he has thrown out the window.
Photo: TV3

But it is only when Kvadsheim asks him to drive to the local wrecker that Øverlier realizes the seriousness.

In a year, you have an excess consumption of 60,000 crowns in a car..

Øverlie, for his part, tells Nettavisen that he always understood seriousness. However, he acknowledges that there may have been a lot of laughs when he received the figures from the experts.

– I see that I laugh a little a lot, but it is a defense mechanism that I have. In that sense, it’s a bit comical to see it for me, because I know with myself that I took it seriously.

– But I can understand that it may seem not, he says.

Wasted potential capital

Over the past four years, a total of 296,339 crowns was wasted on food and cars with the use of Øverlier’s money, money that could in theory have been used as a home’s equity.

The only problem is that Øverlier, due to unpaid debt, has a queue of creditors demanding payroll deductions, plus eight payment comments. In addition to all this, comes the massive excessive consumption of food and transportation.

Therefore, the 41-year-old must raise 30,000 kroner in a short time, as well as liquidate a company he has owned since then. Plus, you get a strict budget to follow from the “Deluxe Trap” experts.

If you can follow the advice of the experts, you can watch it on TV3 on Wednesday at 8.30pm.
