Reed with a strong warning to Erna.


Siv Jensen does not yet know which government of Siv Jensen and Prime Minister Erna Solberg will meet this fall.

Either it’s Godvilje-Siv or it will be Vrangvilje-Siv, and it will be up to Prime Minister Erna Solberg to decide which Siv she will get depending on how she launches the giant Langskip project.

– We have no plans to go to anyone other than the Progress Party on the budget, but the CCS is a separate report for the Storting. Then we must take the consequences of the decision on the budget. Remember that there are many in Frp who are also very much in favor of this project, Prime Minister Erna Solberg tells Dagbladet.


It was this weekend that Solberg came out with the news that the government is setting aside two billion kronor in the state budget to launch the longship. But that’s just the starting point, in total the government has said it will put 17 billion on the table to start carbon capture and storage at Brevik in Vestfold and at Klemetsrud in Oslo.


The government approves 2 billion for carbon capture and storage in Norway through the prestigious government project “Longship”, where the objective is to establish a complete chain for CO2 capture and storage, the so-called CCS, in Norway.

The Progress Party has long been skeptical of the project, but ended with a clear no to the project when they raised the issue in the parliamentary group last Wednesday.

– So can you agree with the Labor Party on the CAC and then it is the FRP that will participate and finance it in the budget?

– When you are in a minority government it is important to take into account what the vast majority in the Storting is like in some cases. The project has a large and vast majority behind it, with some nuances. It is also something important that a government should pay attention to. I think it should be affordable for Frp to participate, says Solberg.

Siv on Frp profile: - Not ok

Siv on Frp profile: – Not ok

Goodwill-Siv for the moment

But which Siv does Erna meet? Godvilje-Siv says the following:

– If I add goodwill, I do not interpret Erna in such a way that she agrees with the Labor Party in the CAC and then expects us to support her in the budget afterwards, says Godvilje-Siv.

– What about Vrangvilje-Siv?

– If I add the reluctance, it is perfectly possible to understand Erna that way. My reluctant comment will then be that if she is going to fix the Langskip project with the Labor Party, which has a $ 2 billion budget consequence, then she must also fix the budget with the Labor Party, says Vrangvilje-Siv.

Division and rule warning

On Wednesday, the government will present its state budget proposal for 2021, a budget that the government is forced to agree with the Progress Party, if it wants to survive. There are two billion bright and freshly polished for CCS.

A project that Frp is against, emphasizes Siv Jensen, although Erna Solberg recalls that there are also defenders of the project internally in Frp.

– Erna must not try anything. The FRP group has made a decision and at the FRP we follow the decisions that the party makes, independently. I still choose to add goodwill, but she shouldn’t get involved in division and dominance. FRP decisions are always tracked. As far as I know, they have never had votes in the Conservative Party, because Erna Solberg decides, Godvilje-Siv continues.

That is why Erna is

That’s why Erna is “quite Nazi”

Siv skeptical

Goodwill-Siv also reminds the Prime Minister of what Finance Minister-Siv thought about the CCS project.

– The Prime Minister should be very careful when referring to previous discussions with the ruling Progress Party. But I can say what I said as finance minister. I expressed considerable skepticism about the costs of these projects when I was Minister of Finance. I did this in a completely systematic and consistent way in all the treatments that I had when I was in government. I can say that, says Siv Jensen about when she was Finance Minister-Siv.

– When do you want to add reluctance?

– It remains to be seen. We entered into budget negotiations. I don’t think it’s easy, but it is very difficult.
