The name released after a fatal accident in Målselv


Tanja Bøe, 44, was killed in a frontal collision on County Road 87 in Målselv on Monday morning.

This was stated by the police in a press release on Tuesday morning.

– Relatives agree to the release of the deceased’s name, the police write in the press release.

Bøe lived in Målselv.

Smooth on the road

On Tuesday, the police can also say a little more about the course of events in the tragic collision, among other things after having questioned witnesses.

– What we can say is that the deceased’s car has crossed into the opposite lane, says Police Superintendent Katrine Grimnes at the Målselv sheriff’s office.

She confirms that there was a slippery road on the site when the accident occurred.

– Our patrol writes in their report that when they arrived at the scene, there was a layer of ice on the road, and everyone in the patrol had trouble walking on the road without slipping, says Grimnes.


The police chief also claims that both the deceased’s car and the minibus he collided with had summer tires.

In the minibus sat a driver and a student from the school who were to be transported to school. Both in the minibus were unharmed from the accident.

The woman who lost her life was trapped after the accident Monday morning. A little later that day, the University Hospital of Northern Norway (UNN) announced on Twitter that he had lost his life.

The accident occurred in zone 80, near the intersection with Målselvfossen.

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