scooter electrico, Accidents | Suddenly Thor (41) flew through the air and thundered on the asphalt. His scooter broke in two


Now he wants to warn others against the company. The CEO dismisses criticism and believes it is full of praise.

(Nidaros): Thor Øyvind Torres Bergan was heading to an event at work on Saturday afternoon.

I had just run a forest marathon in Bymarka and was a bit tired on my legs. He got on his scooter and rode on the asphalt.

– I drove through Nidelva and it was close to the police station. Suddenly I flew through the air and slid down the asphalt. The handlebar of the scooter broke. Not because of the board you’re standing on, but because of the weld in the metal. It was a big shock, he tells Nidaros on Monday.

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The 41-year-old scooter of the type E4 from E-Wheels.

– I was very lucky it didn’t get worse for me. I took my hands with me, pushed my clothes and ruined a bracelet.

– When this happened?

– It happened shortly before 5:00 p.m. and he was sober. This could have gone very wrong, he continues.

On Monday, he posted a message to warn others via Facebook.

There he writes:

Click the pic to enlarge.

Received multiple messages

After posting the message, you have received multiple messages from other people who have scooters of the same type.

– There is a colleague of mine who has one of the same brand. She had the same kind of accident a few months ago.

The 41-year-old has tried to contact the company.

– It is completely impossible to get concrete answers. They spend two or three days responding. There is no phone number to call. It’s completely miserable, it thunders and continues:

– They’ve gotten huge. One of his scooters has won tests. Then they are sold. So it is important that you take this seriously. They have absolutely lousy customer service here and their products don’t last. My scooter is three months old and then it breaks at high speed. That’s not going to happen.

Click the pic to enlarge.  JACK: This is what the scooter looked like after the trip on Saturday.

JACK: This is what the scooter looked like after the trip on Saturday.
Photo: Private

He believes that E-Wheels, which on its website calls itself Norway’s leading online shop for electric bicycles and electric scooters, should take responsibility.

– They sell products that are life threatening and show no willingness to take responsibility, you think.

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Reject criticism

General manager Sveinung Kristiansen told Nidaros that Torres Bergan first reached out by email on Monday.

– Half an hour before that, he called me as the owner and wanted a full refund for a product that was faulty just from a phone call. He was not interested in a reply note. He threatened that if he didn’t get what he wanted, it would be a case in the media. I explained to him that the procedure in a complaint case is that we must recover it, then the workshop must make a professional evaluation of whether the damage is due to a defect in the product or if there is a user error, Kristiansen writes in an SMS.

How can you break a scooter in two while riding?

– A scooter does not break in two during normal driving. If you drive into a hole in the road or on a curb so that the front wheel comes to a stop, the full weight of the advancing rider, which means that an actual weight of several tons will be transferred to the handlebar, and through the principle of the lever, a huge load will be applied to the bottom of the handlebar. .

Do you have any advice for the case? Get in touch with the Nettavisen journalist by email!

– Our chief technician has looked at the pictures today and says this is not a self-occurring injury. It is your professional opinion that the client has gotten into a hole. This actually confirms to the customer himself when he says he “flew forward” when the rod broke. You won’t fly forward if the pole had only been broken during normal driving at 20km / h, it continues.

Kristiansen claims that the company has sold up to 50,000 electric scooters. Ten cases have involved broken handlebars.

– In all these cases, the workshop has stated that the reason is a user error and not a lack of the product, he believes.

Thor Øyvind believes that the product is not robust enough. Is that?

– The product is robust enough. This is a model that we have sold approx. 1000 pcs. this summer and there are few complaints about this model.

What do you do with the product if it turns out that several of these types of bikes break after a short time?

– If a series of errors occurred and we suspected, we would stop the sale and remove the corresponding scooters.

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– We are full of praise

It shouldn’t be difficult to get in touch with the company either, says Kristiansen.

– We have a response time of approx. 24 hours by mail now, approx. 12 hours in Facebook messages, and we are present with several employees in various Facebook groups for electric scooters, where people get answers immediately. We have our own Facebook group called Ewheel Help & Collaboration, where you get answers almost always within an hour.

– We are also showered with praise for good customer service and quick personal responses from employees both in the evening and on weekends, says Kristiansen and refers to the Electric Scooter Norway Facebook groups and technical help and cooperation from Ewheel, Kristiansen writes.

Who admits that sometimes they have taken too long to respond.

– We have experienced extreme growth and our turnover quadrupled compared to last year. When such growth occurs unexpectedly and for a few short summer months, it has clearly created challenges. So some growth issues this summer have been due to too long email response time and somewhat long service time. But after extreme effort from employees who have often worked early in the morning and late at night, we are now very up to date and will prepare for further growth over the winter.

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Thor: – I have a better control over the course of events.

Thor Øyvind has received the reply from Kristiansen. He keeps his word and believes that a product failure is the cause of the accident.

– What do you think of what Kristiansen says about the incident and the reason why the handlebar of your electric scooter broke?

– That simply is not true. I have better control over the course of events when the accident happened than Kristiansen, who only guesses / assumes to defend his product.

– When they sell these types of products, they must assume the responsibility that they are of a certain quality so that they do not happen. Now it also has two pieces. regarding the weld seen on the damage / metal and says a bad weld job has been done and something else is missing (a rod inside the rod) that will help ensure it does not break, it says about the answer of the newspaper the leader.

– I invite anyone to come and look at the scooter to assess the quality, he concludes.

The online newspaper sent Sveinung Kristiansen, CEO of E-Wheels, a couple of follow-up questions, but Kristiansen has yet to respond.
