– Women must use their heads


– The right must be sharpened, says Sandra Bruflot (28).

The outgoing young conservative leader believes her party should take the fight for equality more seriously. Freedom of choice is not the answer to all challenges, it is Bruflot’s warning.

– In the Conservative Party, it is called freedom of choice, but that freedom of choice almost always affects women. As long as the income gap is as great as it is, many women don’t really have freedom of choice. For many, freedom of choice is completely lost because the father does not have an independent right to obtain a license. These are structural problems in the fight for equality that conservatives need to take more seriously, Bruflot tells Dagbladet.

It all started after a dinner with Trygve.

It all started after a dinner with Trygve.

– Use your head

It points out that mothers lose pensions and social rights when they take a leave without pay because the father has no right or does not take his share. Sandra Bruflot is pregnant with number two. She and her father shared the license in between when the oldest was born last year.

This weekend, Bruflot resigned as leader of Unge Høyre. In December he has a mandate.

– Norwegian women should also use their heads a bit, he says.

– Women need to think more long-term about their own financial situation. Of course, there is nothing to stop a family from agreeing that it is best for them to have their mother at home on leave without pay. But if they agree, perhaps they can also agree that the mother should be compensated for the loss of financial rights and pension? Politicians must do more to reduce the income gap, only then can we talk about true freedom of choice for women and families with children, says Bruflot.

Bruflot has no problem calling herself a feminist, and was recently nominated for a Girl Award 2020.

And then a somewhat unknown challenge from conservatives: Sandra Bruflot also calls on employers to “sharpen it a bit.”

– Employers are better at keeping in touch and keeping the father informed during the leave than with women. Furthermore, women’s tasks are often phased out from the moment they say at work that they are going to have children. The same is not the case with men. So who do you think will get the leadership position two years later? It’s like boys, that.

Right profiles will remove HRS support

Right profiles will remove HRS support

– Glad to quit

Sandra Bruflot hits with her arms. She admits that it will be sad to resign as leader of the Young Conservatives.

– But many in Unge Høyre are probably happy that I quit, he says and laughs.

– There are probably those who find it annoying that it is the issues of gender equality, abortion, biotechnology and drug reform that have received the most attention from Young Conservatives in recent years.

Bruflot has been a young conservative leader who is more concerned with the weak than with cutting the wealth tax. Talking about “leveling the gap” and “protecting the weakest” comes naturally to her.

– For me, there are at least ten cases that are more important than eliminating the estate tax. He is so far removed from the life of ordinary people. Personally, I don’t think Conservatives will spend most of their political capital on the wealth tax in the years to come, Bruflot says firmly.

Blame it on erna

Blame it on erna

– The most important thing we do

It is drug reform that she highlights as the most important thing in politics now.

– Drug reform is the most important thing that conservatives do during the entire term of government. It irritates me that so many adults, also in the Conservative Party, sit down and have to be “tough on crime.” We know this doesn’t work. And it is antisocial, because young people from households with fewer resources are punished more often and more severely than others. Drug reform can equalize social differences, Bruflot says with pathos in his voice.

SHOCK TRANSITION: Dagbladet commentator Marie Simonsen believes several have seen Jan Bøhler as a soloist before.
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– Inspiring experience of the soul

He took over as leader of the Young Conservatives in 2018, when metoo defeated his predecessor Kristian Tonning Riise. Bruflot says that she was unaware that he had behaved rudely.

– I thought it was a continuous check, and mentioned both the check and the drinking with Kristian on several occasions.

– But then nothing happened?

– No, and it was a moving experience, because I like to think that I am a person that people can reach with difficult experiences. But obviously he was not, because he did not know the stories that appeared in the media.

– You didn’t know anything? Her husband was one of those who had told the Conservatives.

– I understand that it may seem hard to believe. But it is true. We have never talked about work at home.

– What are your last words for Unge Høyre?

– That width is something we have to maintain. It is the job of politicians to take care of the weakest in society, not just remove the estate tax, says Sandra Bruflot, and dons the red autumn coat.
