Trump Crown Infected: – Inside the Presidential Suite


Late Friday night, it became clear that crown-infected President Donald Trump would be transported to Walter Reed Military Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland.

On Saturday night, the president himself boarded the waiting Marine One helicopter parked on the lawn in front of the White House. The flight lasted only a few minutes, and after landing, Trump got into a waiting black car and was escorted to the hospital.

“PRESIDENT’S AREA”: A sign with the words “President’s Zone” is located outside the entrance of the so-called Pavilion 71 at Walter Reed Hospital, where Trump is hospitalized. In the background, Trump’s doctors, led by Sean Conley, give an update on Trump’s health on Saturday. Photo: Brendan Smialowski / AFP / NTB
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The hospital stay is said to have been for precautionary reasons, and this was also repeated several times during Saturday’s update from Trump’s doctor, Sean Conley.

Egen Suite

At the hospital, however, the plan is for the president to continue serving from the hospital’s presidential suite.

PATIENT’S ROOM: This is how it looked in one of the patient rooms in the Walter Reed Hospital VIP room in 2007. The VIP room where Trump is hospitalized is now called Room 71 and has six rooms that are ready for high-ranking members of the Trump administration or others of high level. military rank. Photo: Tim Dillon / USA TODAY NETWORK / Sipa USA
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According to USA Today, Walter Reed Hospital has a VIP room with six rooms, which is called Room 71. Rooms include the president’s suite and a separate suite that is ready for the first lady of the United States.

Melania Trump is also infected with the corona virus, but remains in quarantine in the home of the presidential couple in the White House.

The other four rooms of the hospital’s VIP room can be used by people from the Trump administration, as well as people of high military rank, writes NBC News.

The images Dagbladet shows in the case were taken in 2007, but they give an idea of ​​the VIP department of the hospital.

GOLD AND BRIGHTNESS: This is how he looked in the dining room of the president’s hospital suite in 2007. Photo: Tim Dillon / USA TODAY NETWORK / Sipa USA
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Ready specialists

According to NBC, the Trump suite has now been admitted into a separate section for intensive care, a kitchen and a secure conference room.

The 2007 images also show two rooms with groups of sofas, a dining room, a work corner, and a separate exploration room.

Chief of Staff Mark Meadows has his own lodging at the hospital, and Trump’s doctor, Sean Conley, also has his own residence in the building, so he can follow the president during his stay.

EGEN SUITE: In President Donald Trump’s own suite at Walter Reed Hospital, you will have your own kitchen and conference room. The photo was taken in 2007. Photo: Tim Dillon / USA TODAY NETWORK / Sipa USA
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If Trump needs medical help beyond what his own doctor can offer, a team of specialists is ready. All staff are background verified, writes NBC.

Trump’s doctor said Friday night that Trump was exhausted from the disease and was receiving an experimental antibody treatment. According to sources close to the president, he also had a cough and fever.

I COULD NOT: Donald Trump’s doctor, Dr. Sean Conley, declined to answer whether the president had received oxygen. Video: AP
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On Saturday, Trump’s doctor, Conley, said the president has a mild cough and a stuffy nose, but no longer has a fever.

“We are very pleased with the progression of the president,” Conley said.

Doctors also did not want to confirm an exact timeline of when the president started showing symptoms or when he may have been infected.
