Listhaug wants individuals to take responsibility for refugees – VG


TOTAL STOP: Sylvi Listhaug and Frp immigration policy spokesperson Jon Helgheim will detain all asylum seekers at the border. Photo: Frode Hansen

FRP will give committed Norwegians the responsibility to receive and integrate the quota of refugees who are allowed to come to Norway.

This is what Sylvi Listhaug, deputy leader of FRP, tells VG. She heads the party’s immigration committee, which is in the final stages of its work.

The committee will allow individuals and families to bear much of the responsibility for refugees arriving in Norway.

Today, it is the municipalities that provide housing for the refugees.

– We know that there are many who get involved with refugees and asylum seekers in Norway. We want to use your commitment to improve the integration of refugees who are allowed to come to Norway, Listhaug tells VG.

– How will it happen?

– Signing up to get up and take responsibility. Neighbors may come together to host a refugee or refugee family. They will be responsible for finding residence and will also commit to contribute financially. Canada has a similar system.

– Who is going to pay?

– The State will assume the main responsibility, but those who assume responsibility for integration will also contribute something. Those who want to take on the task of integration must obtain permission from the municipality to be able to settle them. The municipalities will be responsible for introductory programs and training in the Norwegian language.

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She says there are many Norwegians with burning hearts.

– If ordinary people are allowed, then we are convinced that refugees learn the language faster and it will be much easier to understand how Norwegian society works and the values ​​on which our society is based.

Won’t admit a single asylum seeker

She emphasizes that it is private individuals, and not private organizations, who will ask to contribute. And she says that those who take on that job must commit for five years.

VG meets with her and the FRP party’s immigration policy spokesperson, Jon Helgheim. They do not want to release a single asylum seeker who goes to Norway to the country.

– We want to end the arrival of asylum seekers in Norway. Those who still come will be sent directly back to the countries with which Norway has an agreement, and their application will be processed there, Listhaug says.

If they are entitled to protection, they must obtain it in the country to which they are sent, he believes.

– Does Norway have an agreement with any country that wants to say yes to such a scheme?

– Not today, but it must be in place. To achieve this, relief funds must be used, Listhaug says.

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TOO POOR INTEGRATION: – Too many gather in some settings, as we see in the far east of Oslo. Avoid integration when in reality you have almost no one to integrate with, Listhaug says. Photo: Frode Hansen

Wants the adoption of refugee children

– We want to end the arrival of unaccompanied minor children in Norway who have been sent by their families on a life-threatening journey at the hands of human traffickers. We would rather make it easier for Norwegians to be allowed to adopt children from refugee camps who have lost their parents, she says:

– Therefore, we will have a small fee for this also annually. To achieve this, the UN High Commissioner must be open to it. So Norway must take an initiative in front of the UN.

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Helgheim claims his new policy will save lives.

– Enough refugees have already died in the Mediterranean. The asylum scheme is unfair and rewards those who can pay off human traffickers, Helgheim says.

– They are not refugees for no reason; Do they often flee from oppression and war?

– The current system, with which the EU unfortunately continues when they now advocate a plan in which they will distribute to those who come, is at the expense of those who need help the most and who cannot afford to travel. They need help where they are.

They say that the only people who will be allowed to come to Norway in the future are a small group of quota refugees.

Prime Minister Erna Solberg will plan for Norway to host 3,000 quota refugees next year. According to the UDI, it is expected to receive 3,000 asylum seekers next year, but a new assessment will be carried out in October.

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– There will be no need to receive asylum

FRP will accept far fewer, and only refugees.

– We should be well below 1000. The most important thing in the future will be to integrate those who have already come to Norway. We are struggling with high unemployment, large welfare payments, gang crime, and increased problems in the largest cities due to lack of integration. It’s also a major reason for the increasing differences, Listhaug says.

– Of how many, say 1000, should the committed Norwegians be given responsibility?

– Everything, says Listhaug.

Labor: – No credibility

APS immigration policy spokesman Masud Gharahkhan believes it is impossible to understand what the FRP wants.

– One day they say no to the refugee quota, the other day yes. FRP is a right-wing populist party that has controlled integration in Norway and completely failed, it has no credibility. Very few of those who have come to Norway as refugees under the command of the FRP have managed to learn the Norwegian language and support themselves, says Gharahkhan.

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