– I don’t like the weather we have at our party


“It is almost completely reprehensible to see how some in the party today have used funds that Trump could have used to show his displeasure with Jan Bøhler.”

This is what Sarah Gaulin, a Holmlia resident and vice chair of the municipal committee in Søndre Nordstrand for the Labor Party, writes in a Facebook post on Thursday evening.

Meet Jan Bøhler in the portrait.

Responds to the use of language

Gaulin says it was sparked by all the insults that were directed at party colleague and groruddøl Jan Bøhler after he announced his transfer to the Center Party.

The Labor veteran was, among other things, called a “fucking traitor” by the municipal representative of the Labor Party, Andreas Halse. Since then, Halse has apologized for the wording. Several have also said they are disappointed with Bøhler’s decision, including Oslo Labor leader Frode Jacobsen.

– I react to crude language and what has been said about Jan today. I think it is very sad that he left the match, but I think the best I can do is wish him luck and make sure we don’t lose even more members, says Gaulin.

The case continues below the image.

Sarah Gaulin is deputy leader of the Labor Party municipal committee in Søndre Nordstrand. Photo: private

Also read: Frode Jacobsen confirms: – Yes, I want in the Storting (+)

Compares himself to Trump

Gaulin does not want to elaborate on the statements he is reacting to, but believes that some of the language that has been used about Bøhler is reminiscent of the rhetoric of US President Donald Trump.

– Trump uses a lot of childish terms and swear words that I think decent party politicians should still be too good, he says.

Gaulin says he received an apology after he wrote the Facebook post Thursday night, and says he appreciates it.

Also read: Bøhler: – It’s good to have support, so I have to think about

– I don’t like the weather we have at the party

Bøhler announced in July that he would not run for re-election to the Storting by the Oslo Labor Party, after four terms as parliamentary representative. She then wrote that she would not be the subject of anonymous infighting and operations.

Now he has agreed to top the Storting list for the Center Party in next year’s elections.

Gaulin says she acknowledges herself in Bøhler’s descriptions that she has opposed him internally based on the experiences of a support group for the Labor politician.

Frode Jacobsen, leader of the Oslo Labor Party, has previously said in an interview on Dagsavisen that it is difficult to comment on Bøhler’s anonymous lobbying and campaigning allegations when he didn’t know what it was about.

“I have kept my membership in the party, but now it is up for grabs,” Gaulin wrote in the Facebook post.

-I have not changed parties because I feel a social democrat, but I do not like the climate we have in our party, he says.

Also read: – In my experience there is a good atmosphere in the Oslo Labor Party, but some will probably think otherwise (+)

Fear of voters fleeing

Do you think this is the beginning of a Labor Party escape from Oslo?

– I see that some have already announced that they will change or have changed parties, while others have said that they want to do an internal cleaning. That’s the line that I identify with, says Gaulin.

On Facebook, Gaulin writes that she is worried about the future of the party. For Dagsavisen, she says she fears that Bøhler’s departure from the party could mean that the Oslo Labor Party will lose voters.

– He is a popular man in the south and east of Oslo, and that is where we have the most voters. That is why I am concerned that we may lose more voters.

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