City council politician accused of defrauding Nav of 760,000 kroner


City Councilman Danny Chaudhry is charged with aggravated fraud. It is said that he received NOK 760,000 in social security while receiving a salary from his own company. He himself believes that it is a misunderstanding.

A politician who is part of the Oslo city council has been charged with serious fraud. Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB

In total, Chaudhry is said to have received just over 762,000 kronor in disability pension, disability benefits and child supplement while receiving income from the driving school he ran, according to the indictment.

Chaudhry believes this is a misunderstanding. Read her answer below in the case.

Danny Chaudhry has a long career in politics in Oslo. He represented FNB for a long time and today he is an independent representative in the Oslo City Council. Previously he has also been a politician in the Liberal Party, the Green Party and the Popular Socialist Party.

The fraud is said to have taken place between April 2014 and December 2016. During this period, he was not a member of the city council.

Chaudhrey has previously run two driving schools, but both have failed.

– I have had a difficult period in which the receipts failed and the bills accumulated. When things are not going well, it is better to go to probate court than to go into more debt. There was no drama associated with this, he told Aftenposten in 2019.

Chaudhry’s trial will take place in the Oslo District Court on October 30. If convicted, you risk going to jail.

Danny Chaudhry (left) pictured together in connection with the 2019 local elections. Monica Strømdahl

– A misunderstanding

Danny Chaudhry tells Aftenposten that this is a misunderstanding. He also repeatedly emphasizes that there is something to clean.

– I mean I’ve always done the right thing. Nav has made mistakes in several other cases, where people have been punished without a legal basis for it. The same applies to me: I have informed Nav that I work, and then they must report how much I can work, says Chaudhry to Aftenposten.

He repeatedly emphasizes that it is not a deliberate act and points out that he has taxed the money he has earned in driving school.

– There’s just a misunderstanding here. When I pay taxes, I do so in good faith. I thought this was the law. If I have to cheat, why should I work and pay taxes then? he asks.

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People who receive disability benefits or disability pensions can work, but there is an income limit. Chaudhry believes that Nav should have informed him that he was about to cross this border.

He says that it was the doctors at Ullevål hospital who gave him disability benefits and that he did not claim anything for himself. Chaudhry was injured in connection with martial arts. An injury that, according to him, could have paralyzed him.

– I wanted to go back to working life

After a few years, she wanted to go back to work life again, but says she experienced a lot of opposition from Nav.

She then worked for a few years, but says she had to get disability benefits again. But he emphasizes that he has still been allowed to work alongside the benefits he has received.

And this is where Chaudhry describes the “misunderstanding” that has taken place.

– Nav must inform those who work more and pay taxes for it. They can see my income, and that means Nav needs to understand that I have received money from somewhere else. Here there has been a misunderstanding. It can be on my side or on Nav’s side. But I’ll correct it anyway, regardless of what the court finds. I respect that, says Chaudhry.

NTB has spoken with Chaudhry’s attorney, Zulifqar Munir, who does not want to comment further on the case.

– It will be explained in court. Beyond that, I have no comment, Munir tells NTB.

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