Jan Bøhler changes parties


He announces it himself in a Facebook post Thursday morning, where he writes that the policy for him is about being present as a shop steward for the people and the voters.

As a politician in the Storting, he is an ombudsman, he explains.

– The parties are not the goal, only a means. Loyalty must be in all the people we represent. We must remember this every day in everything we do. I have spoken a lot with Trygve Slagsvold Vedum and Bjørg Sandkjær, who is the leader of Oslo Sp, and their nominating committee about this lately, Bøhler writes and continues:

– They want to support the role of ombudsman that I defend as a politician. I have therefore agreed to be nominated first on the Center Party’s parliamentary list in Oslo in next year’s elections.

«PRIMAVERA INNMARI»: Jan Bøhler from the Labor Party is coming out again with new music. Journalist: Emilie Rydning
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– One small step

Bøhler emphasizes that he need not say negative things about his old party, which now becomes the Labor Party.

– But in recent years, the SP has become more and more a grassroots popular party with growing support among lower class people and ordinary workers across the country. The party’s shop stewards appear to be outgoing and little influenced by inbreeding, and can address issues that are important to many voters. So, for me, the move to Sp is quite short and easy to take. Much of what interests me, I will have better opportunities to work there, he writes.

Bøhler writes, among other things, that he has found common cause with the Center Party in the fight to save the Ullevål hospital and a treatment reform in the Russian sector.

Requires machete ban: - People are terrified

Requires machete ban: – People are terrified

No to re-election

The 68-year-old further says he has received multiple statements of support since he rejected re-election to the Storting this summer after what he himself described as intrigue within the county party.

– I will not be the subject of infighting and anonymous operations after being unanimously nominated to the Storting for four terms, he wrote at the time.

Bøhler later said that he had heard from the media about intrigues against him at the county team in Oslo, and that he was unhappy with the policy that the Labor Party had followed in recent years, in areas such as juvenile delinquency, the exclusion between children and young people, the integration and the closure of precisely Ullevål Hospital.

– The electoral result in the 2017 municipal elections does not indicate that our voters are satisfied either, wrote the Labor veteran.

The Oslo Center Party has sent a message to its members in which they write that they will invite Bøhler to a membership meeting as early as October, according to NTB.
