The bus strike is over – E24


The first buses will be in service from noon, but the population will have to wait for delays throughout the day.

Terje Pedersen / NTB


At 07:00 on Thursday morning, the parties to the flaming bus strike reached a solution to the conflict.

Starting at 12 noon, the first buses will re-enter regular regular traffic, but passengers should expect operational disruptions throughout the day.

Ruter’s press officer Sofie Bruun tells E24 that it will be good to start over and that they are happy that the parties have reached an agreement.

– You have to expect some irregularities throughout the day, says Bruun, who does not know which exits will be prioritized.

– Can you count on taking your regular bus to work tomorrow?

– Then we hope to have a more comprehensive bus offering, but it takes time to put such a large device into operation, Bruun tells E24.

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I think it was worth a strike

Union leader Jim Klungsnes at Yrkestrafikkforbundet emphasizes that there have been tough negotiations.

– We have received a lawsuit that is twice as good as the one against which we struck. The original offer was NOK 3, but now bus drivers with a commercial certificate will receive NOK 6.50 in 2020, Klungsnes told E24.

– Are you satisfied?

– Bus drivers have had high expectations for wage settlement because they have been left behind for many years. It is not what we expected if you take the big picture, but we are pleased that we managed to raise the result as much as we have, Klungsnes continues, emphasizing that a strike was definitely worth it.

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– Prevent bus drivers from getting off badly

Fellesforbundet leader Jørn Eggum says in the report that there is also a guarantee of 2.50 crowns in addition to the central supplement for next year’s settlement.

– The parties have made improvements to the agreement that prevent bus drivers from underperforming on coordinated arrangements and subsequent intermediate arrangements, as in 2018 and 2019, says Eggum.

The bus strike has lasted since Sunday, September 20. In the first week, the strike only affected bus traffic in Oslo, before Akershus and Østfold, but since Saturday there has been a strike in several counties in the country.

In total, around 8,500 bus drivers have gone on strike.

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– We are happy that the conflict is over so that we can transport passengers to their destination, to work, school and leisure activities. And then we have to apologize to travelers for problems while the conflict has lasted, NHO Transport CEO Jon H. Stordrange tells E24.

– We are happy to find a solution within this year’s frontal subject model of 1.7 percent, he continues.

– What was the background to the new round of mediation?

– The Ombudsman invited a state meeting, and when we met we found reasons for a deeper dialogue.

The parties have been with the Ombudsman since noon on Wednesday morning. After two in the afternoon, there has been a “very good dialogue” between the parties, according to Stordrange, who says they negotiated until seven in the morning on Thursday.

– How have the negotiations gone?

– They have been constructive and in good tone. They have been oriented to find solutions and all parties wanted to get out of the conflict. A bus strike primarily strikes a third person whom we do not want to strike inappropriately.

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Warns difficult negotiations also in 2022

– We want to thank the population and our passengers for the massive support we have experienced through the strike. We have received thousands of comments from drivers speaking of spontaneous statements of support, applause and approval, says the union’s chief negotiator, Stein Guldbrandsen, in the message.

Union leader Jane Brekkhus Sæthre of the Norwegian Railway Association emphasizes that unions have now shown employers that they “are serious and willing to support the demands”.

– No doubt that will will also be present in 2022, and we look forward to constructive collaboration to bring bus drivers to the course that has now been set, says union leader Jane Brekkhus Sæthre of the Norwegian Railway Association in a statement.

– In addition, we have ensured that work on working time arrangements and safety measures in this important profession will continue through a work composed of parts, continues Sæthre
