Elin Kjos: – – Cytotoxin doesn’t work


In March, a tumor larger than eight inches was discovered in the right lung of Swedish training influencer Elin Kjos (32). She had been examined after battling a cough for a long time and now she is battling cancer with spread.

Lately, treatment has consisted of a combination of immunotherapy and two types of chemotherapy.

When Dagbladet spoke to her in late July, the Swedish training profile was able to say that she has not given up hope and that she will try to stay alive until there is a cure for cancer.

But on Tuesday this week, the 32-year-old shares a harsh message with his followers.

Have frozen the ovary

Have frozen the ovary


“The last six months have been a real struggle and I have done everything in my power to stay strong, courageous and hopeful every day,” she writes in the introduction.

“Now I realize that this was just the beginning of this terrible nightmare dream. Life obviously wants something more,” he continues.

Kjos further writes that on Monday he received the worst possible message after a new X-ray examination. The chemotherapy, of which he has received six strong doses, has not worked.

Fight to live

“The treatment has not been able to stop the spread we expected. My cancer continues to grow, and at too fast a rate,” he continues, adding that the metastases have increased in both number and size.

- I can never be okay

– I can never be okay

“No matter what happens now, I know that I will never stop fighting and I will never lose hope. I will try to continue training, have experiences, laugh, live and love. While it lasts.”

The 32-year-old man also writes that now the real fight begins, the fight to live.

– should work

Kjos tells Dagbladet that the test result was a difficult message to get.

– It was not what I expected. I’ve been feeling strong and alert lately, and I was pretty sure the chemotherapy would work well, she says.

NIGHTMARE: Elin Kjos was going to check why he had been coughing for so long. Now she is fighting for her life. Video: Instagram @ elin.kjos Reporter: Celina Morken
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The 32-year-old admits it’s hard to understand that the treatment didn’t work at all.

– I’m still hopeful, although now it’s going to be difficult. Somehow it has to go away, he says.

Supported by fans

The story of the Swede Elin Kjos inspires thousands. She subsisted as a healthy exercise model on Instagram until March, when a tumor over 20 centimeters in size was found in her right lung. Kjos had had a bad cough for over a year, but he never thought in that way that this could be something serious.

The tumor and much of the lung were operated on, but the damage had already occurred. The cancer had spread and now she is fighting for her life.

More than 60,000 people follow the life of Elin Kjos on Instagram. As mentioned, it became known as training influences, which it still is. The disease has not made her shy away from the gym, on the contrary, it has almost given her more motivation.

That attitude also motivates fans, who share their photos under the theme “tränaförElin”. The idea is that “if Elin can train, I can do it and”.
