Donald Trump – – An Avalanche of Lies


The first presidential debate in the United States was heated and is described as the worst of all time.

While the New York Times writes that Joe Biden was more honest, but exaggerated or misled in some of his responses, the Washington Post writes that President Donald Trump repeatedly relied on troublesome and false facts, similar statements that have been refuted as follows. throughout his presidency.

CNN describes it as an “avalanche of repeated lies,” while The Guardian writes that Trump lied during the debate.

BICYCLE FIGHT: The two presidential candidates fought a lot during the debate on the night of September 30.
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  • “The mayor of Moscow, his wife, gave their son three and a half million dollars,” he said. Triumph.

The president addressed a claim in a recent report by Republicans in the Senate Security Committee. The claim is that the wife of the now-late Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov is said to have transferred the money to a company linked to Hunter Biden.

Hunter Biden’s legal team tells NBC News that Biden had no interest in the company that received the money and that the allegation is false. CNN is told that he was not the owner or co-founder of the company.

His father also rejected the claim on the stage of the debate.

Neither the Senate nor Trump have provided evidence of the indictment.

  • “They said it would take another miracle to get production back. I have recovered 700,000 jobs. They did not bring anything back. They gave up,” he said. Triumph.

As of now, about 480,000 manufacturing or factory jobs have been created under the Trump administration, writes the Washington Post.

The figure now, amid the corona pandemic, shows a loss of 252,000 production jobs under Trump, according to the newspaper.

Shut up, man!

Shut up, man!

  • “He said it sarcastically and you know it,” Trump said.

“And by the way, maybe you can inject bleach into your arm, then he’ll fix it,” Biden said, referring to a press conference in April, as Trump responded that it was sarcasm.

The president was assassinated by experts after saying this in April:

– I see disinfectants kill it (the virus) in a minute. One minute. Is there a way to do something like that, by injecting inside or almost cleaning? Because you see that it comes inside the lungs and produces a large number in the lungs. It would have been interesting to check, Trump said, looking at a seemingly uncomfortable Deborah Birx, a doctor and member of the White House crisis team.

The president seemed serious when he made the statement, but claimed he was sarcastic after the uproar that followed. During this time, Trump kept daily updates on the status of the crown. At the next press conference, Trump refused to answer questions from the press and after this, the daily updates ceased.

  • “He didn’t do very well during the swine flu.” H1N1, you were a disaster, “Trump said.

The Washington Post describes this attack as a mystery. The Obama administration’s handling was widely recognized at the time as the right combination of action and not overreaction.

FLAU: Former television producer and freshman Rick Kirkham is ashamed of the country he came from.
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  • “I had to shut down the best economy in our country’s history. And by the way, now it’s rebuilding,” Trump said.

Before the pandemic, the president could boast about the economy and was expected to rely on it during the election campaign. But the economy under Trump has not fared as well as under Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson and Bill Clinton, writes the Washington Post.

  • “It’s going to be a scam that I’ve never seen before. It’s a rigged election,” Trump said.

The president reiterates his theory that the use of postal votes will lead to massive electoral fraud.

“Obviously there is evidence of some fraud in absentia, just as there is in polls, although in both cases it is quite minimal: a handful of hundreds of millions of votes cast in the last two decades,” said Richard Briffault, professor and expert on Colombian Law School elections, according to the Washington Post.

Mud bath in the trench

Mud bath in the trench

According to the newspaper, experts also say that it will be almost impossible to falsify the ballots that are cast for this year’s elections.

CNN also calls this a lie, something the TV station has done repeatedly in the past. Millions of Americans voted by mail in 2016 and again during this year’s primaries. There has not been widespread fraud. Extensive studies of billions of ballots over many years indicate that the voter fraud rate is less than 0.0001 percent, according to CNN.

– KLOVN: Joe Biden, clearly upset, called Donald Trump a “clown” after repeated interruptions in tonight’s presidential debate.
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  • Take a look at the West Virginia postmen who sell ballots. “They are sold, they are dumped into rivers,” Trump said.

This is not true, writes CNN. There is no evidence that postal service employees in the state sell ballots. There is a case of attempted fraud in West Virginia. A postman pleaded guilty to changing his party affiliation on five postal ballots from Democrats to Republicans. This happened in connection with the state primary elections in June.

The New York Times calls the river discharge accusation exaggerated. Last week, mail was discovered in a ditch in Wisconsin. Among the mail, there must have been multiple ballots, according to the sheriff’s office.

  • “There was no transition because they came for me, they tried to make a deal, they came after me and they spied on my campaign,” Trump said.

There is no evidence that then-President Obama or Biden had any personal role in the FBI’s surveillance of Trump’s campaign advisers, who were part of the FBI investigation into Russia.

Trump has repeatedly shared this conspiracy theory.

BIG DIFFERENCES: There are miles between the two presidential candidates. These are the biggest differences between them. Video: Mars Nyløkken Helseth / Dagbladet
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  • “He wants to close this country and I want to keep it open,” Trump said.

This is not true. Biden said in an interview with ABC in August that he would shut down the country if investigators said it was necessary. In September, he said that “in my opinion, it would not be necessary to shut down the entire economy.”

  • “What is a peaceful protest?” When they run through town and burn shops and kill people everywhere? No, it’s not. But you say it is, “Trump said.

Biden has said that many protesters have been peaceful, but he has never said that the violent protests have been peaceful. He has repeatedly condemned the violence and unrest.

  • “You said you went to the state of Delaware, but you forgot the name of your school. It didn’t go to the state of Delaware.” You graduated as the worst or near the worst in your class, “Trump said.

According to the Washington Post, this is a repeat of a falsehood promoted by the Trump campaign. Biden said it “started” during a public meeting at the University of South Carolina before the 2019 primaries. The video has been circulating on the Internet after a Washington Times reporter asked the school if Biden had actually gone to the school.

According to the Delaware News Journal, the school itself goes against the media, which last week reported that Biden had lied about going to school.

- Keep calm and prepare

– Keep calm and prepare

– The reporter did not mention anything about his statement last year, and at this point I was not familiar with it. I discovered last week that the request and my response were used by some outlets to put Biden in a dishonest light, says Carlos Holmes, a spokesman for the university, who thought the question was asked as a simple fact-check.

Homes believes that Biden did not indicate that he had gone to college, but was referring to the support he received from the school when he announced that he would run for a Senate seat in 1972. In the decades that followed, Biden had close ties to DSU. , she delivered speeches for graduate students and received an honorary doctorate in 2003.

Biden attended the University of Delaware in Newark, while Delaware State University is located in Dover. Biden has admitted that he was not the hardest-working student at the previous school and came out 76th out of 85 students at Syracuse Law School.
