SV Proposal: – – The Storting must decide whether Norway will go to war


– The war in Libya is a good example of a decision in which very few participated. SV already thought then that the matter should be dealt with at the Storting. An open debate and an opportunity to think and test the arguments is needed, says SV leader Audun Lysbakken.

SV is now proposing a constitutional proposal to ensure that decisions to participate in international operations must be made by the Storting. Today, the government can make that decision sovereignly, without even having a majority in the Storting.

“The kingdom defense force cannot be used outside the borders of the kingdom without the consent of the Storting, unless it is absolutely necessary to defend the country.”, is set out in the constitutional proposal, which can be adopted by the next Storting after 2021 at the earliest.

AFGHANISTAN: The then deputy leader of SV Audun Lysbakken at Camp Nidaros in Afghanistan in 2008. If Norway is to participate in international operations in the future, it must be adopted by the Storting, Lysbakken demands. Photo: Rune Thomas Ege, Armed Forces / Scanpix brochure
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Disturbed phones

When Norway sent bombers to participate in the international operation in Libya, the Storting was informed that then-Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Labor Party) sat down with his mobile phone.

Early in the morning of Saturday March 19, 2011, party leaders Støre, Siv Jensen (Frp), Erna Solberg (H), Trine Skei Grande (V) and Dagfinn Høybråten (KrF) called and said that during the night the government had decided to send Norwegians. fighter jets to participate in the bombing of Libya, Aftenposten revealed.

  • At that time, the government had not had a single formal meeting on the matter, it did not arrive until two days later.
  • The government subcommittee, where the leaders of the Labor, Social Democratic and Social Democratic government parties sat, also did not meet, but only spoke on the phone.
  • The Storting Foreign Affairs Committee did not meet until three days later, on March 22.

Norway sent bombers to an African country after telephone meetings in the government. The Storting was informed by phone once the decision was made.

– Lack of system

According to the Petersen Committee, which reviewed the Libyan war, the Stoltenberg government had every right to do so. The government fulfilled both the requirements of the Constitution to lead Norway to war and the duty to provide information to the Storting by calling party leaders.

So SV will now do something about it. In the future, they want the Storting to make the decision where the public has also had the opportunity to participate.

– There is a deficiency in our system that elected representatives should not speak on the most serious political issue that exists: the issue of sending Norwegian soldiers to war. It has been an important reminder to me this fall when we will process the Veterans Report on what we demand of those we send in conflict. What price do some of them pay? Says Lysbakken.

SOLD TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER: Libya is still a “failed state” after the 2011 war. Here, from a slave market in 2017. Video: CNN
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In both Sweden and Denmark, the government has a duty to obtain the consent of the National Assembly.

– Some present it as that involving the Storting is terribly radical, but this is common. In the British Parliament, Cameron was rejected when he wanted to send planes to Syria. Denmark participated in the Libyan war following a decision in the Folketing. The argument that you don’t have time to have a democratic process is bad, says Lysbakken.

You want to remove the minority

The SV leader also wants to give the minority a chance to speak. Today, much of the disagreement is expressed internally in the expanded Defense and Foreign Affairs Committee, where meetings are secret and there is a ban on minutes.

In the United States, for example, who voted for or against the Iraq war is open and often participates in the political debate. In Norway, parliamentarians have no say.

– The minority should have a greater opportunity to challenge the government. The people of Norway also deserve and not least the soldiers who are going to serve deserve a change of opinion. It is an argument from the current system that there should be no disagreements for everyone to join our soldiers. I’m sure everyone supports the Norwegian soldiers abroad, regardless of whether they agree with the mission, says the SV leader.

And for the record: should Norway be invaded or in immediate danger without the Storting having a chance to meet, the government will retain the current opportunity to defend the homeland.

– It is not about the defense of Norway, but about the margin of maneuver for participation in military operations abroad, emphasizes Lysbakken.
