– Worst Debate of All Time – NRK Urix – Foreign News and Documentaries


– It was chaos from the get-go, says Sofie Høgestøl, associate professor of law at the University of Oslo, about the first presidential debate that took place last night.

President Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden spoke for much of the debate.

– Many had expectations that moderator Chris Wallace could discipline them, but he couldn’t, says Høgestøl.

There were countless personal attacks, and at times it was difficult to understand what the two candidates were talking about.

– The question is if it was a debate. Trump had no interest in saying what he wanted with the United States. It really was just a tirade of lies and harassment. It was simply a national embarrassment that we have never seen before, says adviser at Civita, Eirik Løkke of NRK, and is finding it difficult to name a winner.

– Biden complied regularly, but it is difficult to assess because there was never any debate, he says and Løkke is not the only one who shook his head at what they witnessed last night.

I would not condemn right-wing radicals

President Donald Trump has refused to condemn right-wing radicals and violence during demonstrations across much of the United States in recent months.

When asked by Chris Wallace to condemn right-wing radicals, he did not respond and believes that left-wing radicals are to blame for the violent acts.

Trump mentions the Proud Boys anyway. A group of the extreme right that usually appears in their public meetings.

“Proud Boys: Get away and wait,” says Trump.

It has created strong reactions among several Americans.

CNN commentator Van Jones thinks that was the only thing worth mentioning. Jones worked for President Obama in 2009.

Biden called Trump a racist, and Høgestøl believes this will get a lot of attention in the future.

– To draw

A CNN poll shows that six in ten believe Biden won the debate.

– Trump voters like him to be dominant and loud. Therefore, it may be that his followers are happy with the debate, says Høgestøl.

But Trump doesn’t necessarily get closer to many more than his own.

– I don’t think Biden lost, I think it’s a draw. Biden spoke better to the camera and voters, says Høgestøl.

An instant poll conducted by CBS also showed that 48 percent of viewers think Joe Biden did better, while 41 percent believe Trump won. The rest think it was even.

But up to 69 percent said they were upset by the debate, and only 17 percent said they felt informed.

Beforehand, there was tension over whether Joe Biden managed to keep up.

– Trump dominated at first, so I feel like Biden found his groove in the middle of the debate. Then he came back some more, but I don’t think anyone can accuse him of senile, says Høgestøl.

– Worst presidential debate

– The worst presidential debate in history, writes Svein Melby. Twitter. He blames Trump for that. Melby is a Principal Investigator at the Department of Defense Studies (IFS).

Also from the American commentators, the verdict is quite in unison:

– The debate between President Donald Trump is the worst debate I have ever seen, says political scientist Ian Bremmer.

Politico describes the debate as a train accident.

– There should be no more debate, writes the founder of the Huffington Post.

Little bites all the way

The presidential election is less than five weeks away, and this was the first of three scheduled debates.

– It is not often on national television that someone hears someone tell another that now you have to shut up, says former NRK US correspondent Anders Tvegård.

ATTACK: Can you shut up? Joe Biden said quite early in the debate. The mood did not improve.

He believes that it can hardly be called a debate.

– There were more talks and attempts to drown each other. The two got into a fight with host Wallace and got into a fight with each other, says Tvegård.

90 minutes of discussion did not give much information about what the candidates want, believes Sofie Høgestøl.

– Trump and Biden must change their style before the next debates. That tone cannot continue for two more debates. We don’t learn anything from this kind of debate, says Høgestøl.
