All parties to the bus conflict will meet at the Ombudsman on Wednesday – E24


The Ombudsman has invited the parties to the bus conflict to a meeting on Wednesday at 12 noon. More than 8,000 bus drivers are on strike across the country.

Yrkestrafikkforbundet, Fellesforbundet, Norsk Jernbaneforbund and Fagforbundet had a joint celebration in Youngstorget for striking bus drivers on Thursday.

Terje Bendiksby / NTB

  • NTB-Eirik Husøy and Oda Ertesvåg


Ombudsman Mats Wilhelm Ruland confirms to NTB that he has asked the parties to appear with him at a meeting on Wednesday.

– The background is that the conflict has been developing for some time. It is a great conflict that affects third parties. I want a status of the parties and I want to know if there is a basis for resuming mediation, he says.

Ruland emphasizes that it is not the parties that have taken the initiative of the meeting, but that it comes from him and is justified by the extent of the conflict and the contagious situation.

Everyone participates

All parties confirm to NTB that they are participating in the meeting.

On Sunday 20 September, there was a break in the mediation between NHO Transport and Spekter by the employer, and Yrkestrafikkforbundet, Fellesforbundet, Jernbaneforbundet and Fagforbundet by the employees.

It has been more than a week since bus drivers in Viken and Oslo went on strike, and much of public transport was paralyzed.

This weekend, the strike intensified and another 4,500 bus drivers joined the 3,800 drivers who had already left their jobs.

Waiting for offers

Linda Jæger, chief negotiator at Yrkestrafikkforbundet, says that employers are willing to meet her demands. The Norwegian Railway Association goes one step further:

– I hope employers have something to offer us, says union leader Jane Brekkhus Sæthre.

Several of the parties state that “of course” they participate when the Ombudsman calls a meeting, including Spekter and the Union. NHO Transport will also participate in the meeting, CEO Jon H. Stordrange confirms to NTB.

– We are positive for dialogue and we will find a solution to the conflict. This affects passengers going to work, school and leisure activities, and that is why we want to end the conflict, he says.

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