Good Friday shooting: – – I wanted to scare


The night before Good Friday, several shots were fired at a car in Mortensrud in Oslo. Two shots struck the car’s windshield. One pulled tile from the driver’s side door frame. Fiberglass and plastic spray in the direction of the driver.

The other projectile went through the windshield and crashed into the dash of the black electric car passing the Lofsrud school.

At 1:53 p.m., the police received the first report of the shooting. When they arrived at the scene, the patrol found an empty cartridge and a sharp cartridge.

Young men accused

On Monday, the judge put the trial of four young people on the bench. The youngest turned 18 just after being released.

All are charged with attempted murder with a sentence of 21 years. None of the four pleaded guilty, but one of the defendants, a 21-year-old man, explained during questioning that he was at the scene and fired at the car.

He believes there were no assassination attempts.

Brutal fighting triggered wild shootings at the school

Brutal fighting triggered wild shootings at the school

Criminal record

The victim in the case, a 35-year-old man, began his explanation with a detailed description of his life on the wrong side of the law. An explanation that did not go unnoticed.

Several young men had appeared outside the district court and shouted insults at the man during a recess. The victims had to be escorted out of court after testifying.

ACCOMPANIED: The 35-year-old offended had to be escorted during a court recess. Photo: Øistein Norum Monsen / Dagbladet
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– I have been an active criminal for 22 years. There is violence, guns and shootings in public spaces. The latest case is from 2018, the man told the court.

The 35-year-old was found guilty of a shooting episode in Lambertseter in 2018, but the verdict has been appealed to the Court of Appeals and will be processed next year.

In court, the man said he had tried several times to distance himself from criminal life.

– Is there anyone looking for him? Asked State Attorney Tonje Thønder.

– People like to try. There are four here now and several other criminals have tried. You give and you receive. It is tough and tough. These are choices that I have made and for which I must bear the consequences. “I have been involved in crime longer than these have lived,” says the man and looks the four on the bench in the eye.

The Oslo terror gang: kidnapping and attempted murder

The Oslo terror gang: kidnapping and attempted murder

Wash it

According to the offended man, he started the night at home before getting in the car and taking a ride.

– I passed the Lofsrud school. I see two or three guys covered. They look at me and I see several people in the schoolyard, he explained to the three judges.

The drive continued to the gas station on the E6. When she returned, she saw various movements in the school. The 37-year-old explained that he lives nearby and that he wanted to see what was going on.

– Some show up at school. A bullet enters the window. I get hit by a lot of glass. The second shot went through the passenger side window, he said in court.

– I thought they hit me. For me, this came completely out of nowhere. I have nothing unsolved with anyone He explained.

Four accused of attempted murder

Four accused of attempted murder

New Shooting Episode

Several of the defense attorneys tried to ask him what happened after the shots fell, but here the man’s memory failed.

That same night, about two hours later, he fired again. This time, the crime scene is right next to the Bjørndal shopping center. Police stated that same night that they saw the shooting episodes in context.

In court, it is suggested that this shooting episode occurred as a result of the incident earlier in the night.

Four people are charged in the shooting episode. The 35-year-old man is one of the accused, but claims he is innocent. The man believes he has an alibi and was in contact with the police when the shots were fired at Bjørndal.

Dagbladet experiences this to be true, but a car similar to the one the victim used was filmed in Bjørndal shortly after the second episode of shooting.

– It would scare

The 21-year-old, who admitted to shooting, also testified in court today.

– A few hours before the incident, they told me that someone was going to take me. Someone was going to kill me, he said.

The defendant further explained that he had borrowed a gun from a friend.

– I would try to scare whoever took me, said the 21-year-old.

In a police interview, he explained that there were several who were going to be arrested and that the victim was one of the several who were going to kill him. He said the victim happened several times.

– I ran down the road. The car had passed. I took aim at the car and fired a shot. He was about 20 meters from me. After shooting, I ran behind the car and saw if it was going ahead and that the danger had passed. Then I turned to run. The idea was always scary, he said.

Police have extensively investigated the case and will present video surveillance cameras, teledata and seizures of weapons.
