The Liberal Party says no to active euthanasia


It became apparent after a long and heated debate on Saturday when the party was going to adopt a new early program.

It ended with a majority of delegates saying no to allowing euthanasia or active euthanasia.

– Have a debate

The principle in question is whether the individual should have the right to choose between his own life and death. But that the case is difficult, the majority expressed it from the rostrum of the national assembly hall in Gardermoen.

– This is probably the craziest debate we have, said Jarl W. Alnæs from Oslo Venstre. He himself has landed in an affirmative position.

– We force people to go through the worst sufferings over a long period of time. Not everything can be alleviated well. But today it is the wallet that decides if it can end her life, she said.

The program committee split in the middle of the case. One of those who landed with a “yes” was Sofie Høgestøl.

– Everything that is important is difficult. I don’t want my conscience to overwhelm the conscience of others. I do not judge anyone for the decisions they make. But it should be just that, the individual’s choice, he emphasized.

One of the strongest stalls came from Viken Venstre’s Margrethe Pral Reusch. She herself suffers from a serious illness and came with an urgent prayer to the national assembly:

“Let me die when I think enough is enough,” he said.

– It is not about a choice between life and death, but between two different ways of dying.

Put words to the riots

Outgoing party leader Trine Skei Grande as well as various party leaders and elected representatives cautioned against opening the door to active euthanasia.

– It was the Liberal Party that removed the ban on suicide. But that doesn’t mean it’s a job for the state to help someone kill themselves, Grande emphasized in his post.

“Ultimately, my great concern is that we are opening a landscape that we must not enter. If we open the door to active euthanasia, it is not possible to close it again,” said former Liberal Party leader Odd Einar Dørum.

Before the summer, the national government of the Liberal Party also recommended saying no to active euthanasia.

Several pointed out that, rather than helping people to die, the role of the state should be to guarantee everyone the best and most pain-relieving treatment possible.

– I want the Liberal Party to say yes to active life support, said nurse Anne Margrethe Larsen of the Agder Liberal Party.
