Three new cases of infection in Stavanger, one with an unknown source of infection


Results from Stavanger on Saturday, September 26, show that three new people tested positive for COVID-19. – We follow it very well now, because there are more infections around us, says infection control doctor Runar Johannessen to Aftenbladet.

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Results from Stavanger on Saturday, September 26, show that three new people tested positive for COVID-19. Photo: Jarle Aasland

One of those infected is a student who has returned to Stavanger from Bergen with the infection.

– The person in question is young and healthy, and has probably been infected in the Bergen residence, says the chief doctor of infection control, Runar Johannessen, in a news release from the Stavanger municipality.

The second registered case is related to travel. The person arrived at Sola airport from abroad and was examined at the airport.

Runar Johannessen is Chief Infection Control Physician in Stavanger Municipality. Photo: Jarle Aasland

The third case has an unknown source of infection.

– We are waiting for some more evidence from others that may prove the source of infection in this case, and we hope the connections will be revealed, says Johannessen.

On Friday, September 25, another case of contagion of unknown origin was also reported. There will be answers to new tests in that case on Sunday, which will probably give answers.

In September, a total of 67 new cases of infection were registered in Stavanger. The total number of infected registered in the municipality as of September 26 is 217.

– How important is it now to introduce stricter local measures?

– So far we have a reasonably good overview and the vast majority of infection cases are still known or linked to the groups we know of. But we are prepared to introduce local measures, if necessary, Johannessen tells Aftenbladet.

