Several bus drivers are taken on strike – VG


STAY: 3,800 bus drivers have gone on strike and much of Oslo and Viken have been affected. Now the bus strike is on the rise. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB

Fellesforbundet has announced a rapid escalation. On Saturday, another 4,500 bus drivers in seven counties will go on strike.

3,800 bus drivers in Oslo and eastern Norway went on strike last Sunday, after negotiations between NHO Transport and Spekter were unsuccessful.

On Saturday, another 4,500 bus drivers in seven counties will go on strike. This means that the total number of striking bus drivers rises to almost 8,500.

– Bus drivers have very demanding working hours, wages are low, safety is threatened and we are concerned about the future of this important profession. That is why we are now leading more people to strike, says Jørn Eggum, leader of Fellesforbundet in a press release.

Background: why bus drivers are on strike

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In addition to the drivers from Oslo and Viken, who have already gone on strike, bus drivers from these counties will go on strike from the start of the working day on Saturday: Vestland, Trøndelag, Rogaland and Finnmark.

Drivers in much of Nordland and throughout Kristiansand are also on strike.

The strike may, among other things, lead to digital education for upper secondary students in Rogaland starting Monday, the county municipality writes on its website.

Here you can find a detailed description of the bus routes covered by the strike in the different counties:

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Fellesforbundet: No contact between the parties

Fellesforbundet negotiator Dag-Einar Sivertsen has previously told VG that if the conflict persists, about 12,000 bus drivers could go on strike.

– We have announced that we will make a relatively quick climb, said Sivertsen.

3,800 bus drivers in Oslo and Viken will go on strike starting at 0600 on Sunday. If the conflict persists, a total of about 12,000 drivers could be removed.

Striking bus drivers receive NOK 3,900 a week in strike allowance, with the exception of union drivers who receive 70 percent of regular pay, writes Frifagbevegelse

APPEAL HELD: Fellesforbundet leader Jørn Eggum believes that the salary of bus drivers is low. Here he calls for a joint celebration for the striking Youngstorget bus drivers on Thursday. Photo: Terje Bendiksby

There is no contact between the parties, confirms both Fellesforbundet and Yrkestrafikkforbundet (YTF) to NTB.

Together with Jernbaneforbundet and Fagforbundet, they threaten to take all members to strike if there is no movement in the dialogue between them and the counterparts Spekter and NHO Transport.

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