Andrea (25) had to spend the night at work


– I would really say I’m lucky to be able to sleep at work if space is available, says Andrea Bogen, 25, on TV 2.

She works as a nurse at Ullevål hospital. Due to the bus strike, she had to sleep at work until Friday night.

– As nurses, we work shifts, and especially when you work nights and have a day shift the next day, it’s basically a few hours of sleep, she says, continuing:

– For my part, I spend 50 minutes walking to and from work, so that dream is quite shortened. That was the main reason I decided to sleep at work, he says.

TV 2 also previously reported on health personnel who have been affected by the bus strike.

The bus strike is increasing

Sleeping in the family room

Therefore, Bogen had to sleep on a sofa bed in a relative’s room in the apartment where he works.

– I used it last night. It wasn’t as soft as my own bed, but it lasts one night, he says.

– If the bus strike continues, could there be more overnight stays at work in the future?

– She can. You may have to go buy a bike, she says.

– I usually go to normal, but late in the afternoon and after long night shifts it is a bit long, he adds.

The nurse believes that there are several colleagues who are worse than her.

NURSE: Andrea Bogen (25).

NURSE: Andrea Bogen (25). Photo: Private

– I can ride a bike, but I have several colleagues who live outside of Oslo and take the bus to the train. When the buses go on strike, they have a bigger problem than I do, he says, and he says that he knows the health personnel who have paid 600 kronor for a taxi home.

When TV 2 spoke to the 25-year-old on Friday afternoon, she had finally returned home from work.

– Today I had to go through the city center, then it was a tram, but I see that it is not a particularly good long-term solution. They are overcrowded at several stops and relative to the spread of the crown, it is not very favorable that it continues like this, he says.

The strike intensifies

On Sunday morning, 3,800 bus drivers went on strike after a breakdown in negotiations with employers.

Yrkestrafikkforbundet, Fellesforbundet, Jernbaneforbundet and Fagforbundet require employers to comply with an agreement on wages for industrial workers.

If no agreement is reached, another 4,568 drivers will go on strike starting Saturday.

From the start of the working day on Saturday, bus drivers from Vestland, Trøndelag, Rogaland and Finnmark will be eliminated in the second strike of the strike. Large parts of Nordland and all of Kristiansand are also removed.

So nearly 8,500 bus drivers across the country will be on strike.

ROLL ONE SAYS: The book expects you to spend many nights on this sofa bed.

ROLL ONE SAYS: The book expects you to spend many nights on this sofa bed. Photo: Private

Support the strikers

Andrea Bogen emphasizes that she supports bus drivers in using their right to strike.

– Perhaps it is not so tempting to spend several nights on the sofa bed in the family room?

– No, it certainly isn’t. He rolls the dice for convenience, says laughing, and continues:

– But hey, it could have been a lot worse. Not all pavilions have a family room, and it is a shame for those who live further away and do not have the opportunity to spend the night at work.
