Holtvedt (21) challenges Hansson (66)


Rasmus Hansson wants to return to the Storting and will be second on the Storting’s list for the Oslo MDGs, he told Dagbladet this week.

Now it turns out that it won’t happen without a fight. too Green youth spokesperson Hulda Holtvedt wants second place on the list.

The Oslo MDG nominating committee sent a consultation list to its municipalities yesterday.

They have equated Holtvedt and Hansson at second on the list and are now asking their members to choose. Lan Marie Berg, Oslo’s high-profile city councilor for the environment and transport, has been nominated as the leader of the list.

– I want to enter the Storting to represent the young generation, which is the one that loses the most in the climate crisis. The MDGs should show that they are not only represented in the climate strikes, but also in the Storting with real power over Norwegian climate policy, Holtvedt tells Dagbladet.


Former national MDG spokesperson Rasmus Hansson was the party’s first representative to the Storting when he was elected in Oslo in 2013. He resigned from the highest office after the 2017 elections, when his strategy of running for the Akershus elections failed. Since then, he has led the environmental fund of trade, but now he wants to return.

Here Hulda (19) is giving a lecture to the Storting

Here Hulda (19) is giving a lecture to the Storting

Holtvedt is considered a young shooting star and has been one of the two national spokespersons for Green Youth since 2017.

Last year, she set an age record in the Storting as the youngest interim parliamentary leader in history.

Reached on Instagram

Holtvedt says that being successful in reaching young voters now is crucial.

– All the figures indicate that young people under 30 are our largest group of voters. Our polls show that more than half of first-time voters consider the MDGs. We have not been good enough to mobilize this group of voters. We must have an electoral campaign where young people are the main group. They don’t read Aftenposten, but they are on Instagram, in schools and universities.

– And do you think it comes better through a Hansson?

– I think I am a recognizable candidate because I reflect them to a greater extent than the other candidates

– Supplement to Lan

Change the safest place

Change the safest place

– With Lan Marie Berg at the helm, there will be two young women at the top of the list. Is there a danger that it becomes too similar?

– If we have two from Oslo, there should be one representative for parents of young children and one for the younger generation. They are our most important constituencies. Here I think I can be an important complement to Lan. Nor is it true that young women are overrepresented in the Storting. I think we can put two women on top with a big advantage, as we also did in previous local elections, says Holtvedt.

– Nifst with Hulda

Rasmus Hansson admits that Holtvedt is a tough competitor.

– I am not the first old man who thinks it is strange to have to sharpen Hulda. I’m glad we’re at the same party, he tells Dagbladet.

He still believes he can reach more voters.

– Obviously, Hulda reaches young voters very well, but I think I can mobilize more broadly. The hope is that Hulda will accept third place. Lan, Hulda and I are a strong team at the top, says Hansson.

According to today’s opinion polls, the MDGs are well placed to elect two representatives from Oslo.

The party’s leader, Une Bastholm, is running for the Akershus elections, and Vice President Arild Hermstad of Hordaland.
