Bertheussen rejected expert writings | ABC News


* On the night of December 6, 2018, someone drew a swastika and wrote the word “racist” on the house and car of then-Justice Minister Tor Mikkel Wara (Frp). In addition, a rope hung from the fuel tank of a car parked next to the house, which was considered an attempt or a threat to start the car.

* On December 26, Laila Anita Bertheussen, Wara’s partner, reported the Black Box theater in Oslo for filming the couple’s home. The report was later withdrawn and Bertheussen appealed the suspension to the Public Ministry and it was confirmed.

* She was subsequently withdrawn again, and in March 2019, Bertheussen’s attorney filed a new complaint. Black Box also filed a complaint about the behavior of the police and prosecutors during the investigation. The complaint was also accompanied by a claim for damages.

* On January 17, there was a fire in the garbage container outside Wara’s home.

* On February 11, the police investigated a suspicious object that was located in Wara’s home in Oslo. A piece of cloth with bottles was found tied with a knot on a hook under the bumper of the car. According to Dagbladet sources, the police found traces of flammable liquid on the bottles. The police bomb squad examined the object and later concluded that the object was harmless.

* On March 4, the police bomb squad moved into Wara and Bertheussen’s home after a letter was found in the mailbox. The letter was perceived as threatening.

* On the night of March 10, police responded to a fire in Wara’s car, which was parked outside the home. The fire was quickly extinguished and the investigation was left to the PST.

* On Thursday March 14, Bertheussen was charged with starting the car on March 10. She was later not charged with the earlier incidents, but PST chief Benedicte Bjørnland said it is “natural to see them in context.”

* On Thursday, March 28, the PST changed Bertheussen’s status from offended to suspect in all cases except the one he is already charged with. On the same day, Wara resigned as Minister of Justice.

Bertheussen does not admit criminal guilt, and his defender John Christian Elden has said the case is only based on clues and that he hopes he will be dropped.

* On June 3, PST received a letter with content that will benefit Bertheussen, according to Dagbladet. The package was first sent to Elden, who then delivered it to PST. The envelope is postmarked April 28, 2019 and shipped from Norway. At this time, both Bertheussen and Wara are said to have resided in the United States.

* On June 25, the Attorney General decided to reject Bertheussen’s complaint regarding the closure of his Black Box review. At the same time, Black Box’s complaint and claim for damages in connection with the handling of the case by the police are dismissed.

* On September 23, the PST confirms that the recommendation on the subject of the prosecution has been sent to the National Prosecutor’s Office. According to various media, the PST has decided to prosecute Bertheussen.

* On October 30, the Public Ministry declared that it had returned the case to the PST for further investigations.

* On December 17, the Public Ministry sent a judicial resolution proposal to the Attorney General. It is the Attorney General who takes the final position on the issue of prosecution.
