Trump refuses to guarantee a peaceful power shift. Instead, he recommends removing postage stamps so he can stay in the White House.


“Get rid of the ballots and there will be no change of power,” said the US president at a press conference last night.

Donald Trump refuses to guarantee a peaceful power shift if Democrats win this year’s presidential election. Evan Vucci / AP / NTB

Donald Trump has said for several months that he is not confident in the way this year’s election will be conducted.

The crisis in the crown has contributed to many more people than usual wanting to cast advance votes. mail. Trump has long argued that this opens the door for voter fraud. There is no evidence for this, and the US Election Commission has long denied that the system is vulnerable to cheating.

This year’s presidential election could be very close in Florida, Pennsylvania and the other so-called auspicious states that will likely decide who wins. It can take a long time to count all the ballots of the people who have mailed them.

Most people who vote by mail vote Democrats. Shows repeated measurements and general descriptions of who orders the postcards.

The question has long been what Trump would do if his rival Joe Biden won.

Last night he was asked if he could guarantee that the change of power would be peaceful.

– We’ll see what happens. Postcards are a mess, Trump responded.

When the reporter repeated the question, the president went too far:

Comparing with Belarus

– We will … get rid of the postcards, then you will get a very … we will have a very quiet … there will be no change, to be direct. It will be a continuation.

The statement provoked very strong reactions on US social media last night. And not just from Democrats who fear the president will steal a potential election winner.

“You don’t want violence? Single. Just give Donald Trump the win,” writes The Lincoln Project, run by Republican critics of Trump:

Republican Senator Mitt Romney, who was the party’s 2012 presidential nominee, also reacted vigorously. If the change of power is not peaceful, the United States will end up like Belarus, he writes on Twitter:

The president’s statement attracted so much attention that the head of the US Election Commission had to step up and contradict him.

“In case someone misunderstood: in America, we don’t get rid of ballots. We count them, “Ellen Weintraub writes on Twitter:

Trump believes that the Supreme Court will decide the elections

The vote count in this year’s presidential election will likely be marked by lawsuits and legal battles. Several of these battles could end in the Supreme Court of the United States.

This is why the political struggle in the wake of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is so important.

Trump and the Republicans want to appoint and confirm a new Supreme Court Justice before Election Day on November 3. If they are successful, six of the nine justices will be appointed by Republican presidents.

And this could be crucial in this year’s presidential elections. At least that’s what President Trump thinks.

– I think this ends in the Supreme Court, and I think it is very important that we have nine judges there, said the president when asked last night about the case.

The question is what happens if Trump and other Republicans actually choose to ignore the ballots that arrive in the mail.

And that question is not rhetorical.

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