Warns of strong gusts in eastern Norway


For Thursday, the Norwegian Meteorological Institute issued a yellow warning for eastern Norway due to strong gusts of wind. – It will be worse towards the coast, says the meteorologist on duty.

Last week, strong gusts of wind caused old trees to collapse and created chaos in various parts of Oslo. In Slottsparken, a man was hit by a falling tree. Jan T. Espedal

– It is mainly south of Oslo where there will be force in the wind, but it will probably shake some of the trees, says on-duty meteorologist Jon Austerheim at the Aftenposten Meteorological Institute.

It says that there will be a gale in the fjord, and therefore there may be strong gusts of wind on land of 15-20 meters per hour. second.

Wind speeds of 15 meters per second are defined according to the wind scale as a strong gale. The strong gust limit is 17.2 meters per second, and the limit between strong gusts and small storms is 20.8 meters per second.

– In coastal areas, you must take care of things that can fly, says Austerheim.

The most exposed coast

It’s the coastal areas that are most exposed, the meteorologist says, and in Agder County and toward Rogaland and Vestland counties, the wind can pick up in the form of a strong storm.

– There may be a small storm on the west coast. Then the wind force can reach 25 meters by. second, says Austerheim.

The wind will increase in strength on Thursday morning and will decrease again in the late afternoon.

The western police district warns people to go to a mountain or by boat tomorrow. They also promote the safety of loose items.

– A recurring theme is trampolines, garden furniture, scaffolding and tarps, the West Police District writes on Twitter.

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