39-year-old wife deceased: – He was called for help – VG


DROPPED BY POLICE: A man in his 30s was shot and killed by police in Bolkesjø in Telemark on Tuesday night. Photo: TORE KRISTIANSEN

The wife of the 39-year-old man who was shot and killed by the police in Bolkesjø on Tuesday night does not understand how her husband can be perceived as a threat.

– I’ve never seen him threaten anyone. He was extremely kind, a sensitive man and a wonderful father to his son, says the 44-year-old.

The wife says Wednesday that she last spoke to the 39-year-old on Tuesday morning, the same day he was shot.

Varden was the first to mention the case.

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Man shot and killed by police: Service weapons seized on the spot

It was Tuesday afternoon that the 39-year-old man was shot dead by police at the Bolkesjø tourist hotel in Telemark. Two officials have the status of suspects.

According to the report received by the police, the man appeared affected and is said to have behaved in a threatening manner. In the situation that arose during contact with the man, the police fired shots.

Mentally remove

Along with development assistance attorney Tollef Skobba, the 39-year-old’s wife met with the press Wednesday afternoon. Skobba is an assistant attorney for the woman and her youngest son, a son she has with the deceased. VG has received the quotes from the woman through Skobba.

The two have been married for five years, but are separated. They still have to live together.

BOLKESJØ: It was in this house in Bolkesjø in Telemark that the police shot the man in his 30s who later died from his injuries. Photo: TORE KRISTIANSEN

The 44-year-old says the man struggled with mental problems, but was open about the problems and never behaved aggressively.

She struggles to understand why the police saw the need to shoot.

– I have asked him what happened, but I have not received any answer as to why he was shot, he says.

– I was looking for help

VG has been in contact with one of the owners of a company the man worked for, who says two colleagues went to the man’s home Tuesday after a phone call they perceived as concerning.

They entered through the back door, and then he approached them with an ax. They tried to talk and calm him down and perceived him as a threat and withdrew, the owner told VG on Wednesday.

The two colleagues are then said to have called the police.

The wife confirms that the man had previously said that he would take his own life, but believes this was a cry for help.

– They called him for help, she says.

– Those who want to kill themselves do not say so. He just wanted help, attention, and a confirmation that he was worth something.

She was present at the house and washed last Sunday, and does not understand that the man allegedly threatened someone with an ax.

– I do not get it. I’ve never seen an ax there, he says.

Request a thorough investigation

The special unit for police affairs is investigating the case. There are seizures of service weapons after the incident and two officials are suspected in the case.

– In this case, our task is to draw a map of the circumstances surrounding the firing of the shots and their course. We are in the middle of investigative work and therefore it is too early to comment on the course of events, said the acting head of the investigation department at the Eastern Norway Special Unit, Helle Gulseth, when contacted by VG on Wednesday for the morning.

Assistance attorney Tollef Skobba tells VG that he has not seen any documents from the case yet.

– We expect a thorough and fair investigation. In ordinary homicide cases, the defendants are in preventive custody, and the purpose of this is to ensure correct information without influence. Therefore, I hope that the special unit will secure the evidence in a good way and that the suspects will be questioned before they can speak to each other, Skobba tells VG.

Do you know anything about this case? Tell us on SMS 2200, tel. 22 00 00 00 or email [email protected].

Correction: VG wrote in an earlier version of the case that the two officials had the status of defendants. The correct thing is that they have the status of suspects. The bug was fixed in 18.22.

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