Witness: The man who was killed by the police had an ax


On Monday afternoon, police shot and killed a man in his 30s at the Bolkesjø tourist hotel in Telemark.

Varden writes that the man in his 30s called a colleague at the Notodden workplace on Tuesday. The man must have been on sick leave for a period and he must have suffered mentally. The conversation worried the colleague and led him to go to Bolkesjø together with another from the company.

– When they entered the apartment, he approached them with an ax. He didn’t threaten them with the ax, but they still sensed the situation to make it safer to get out. He shouldn’t have followed them out of the house, says the owner of the company where the man in his 30s worked.

Then the colleagues called the police.

A witness Varden has spoken to says he heard what he believes must have been three shots after police entered the apartment.

The owner of the company where the man works tells VG that his colleagues must have heard four shots.

Police Chief Ole Bredrup Sæverud says the officials involved have not been removed from service.

– At the moment, there has been no reason for that, says Sæverud.
