New Crown Crisis Package: Call Crisis Package “Declaration of War”


The crown-related measures proposed in 2020 total approximately NOK 125 billion.

The figure includes the measures to be presented this afternoon. The latest government package is priced at around six billion. Some of the funding comes from reversing the tax cuts and benefits the Storting fought for this spring.

The package disappoints both the left and Frp.

As in the spring, the opposition is now preparing for long evenings with adjustments to the measures through the finance committee in the Storting.

– This is a declaration of war against workers and the unemployed. The government is phasing out improvements to the unemployment benefit scheme one by one. In the crisis Norway still faces, we should go in the opposite direction, Rødt’s leader, Bjørnar Moxnes, said on Monday afternoon.

DEMONSTRATION: Extinction Rebellion carried out several dramatic demonstrations in Oslo on Monday. Prime Minister Erna Solberg believes that climate activists should applaud after the government’s new climate measures.
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– People are getting poorer

SV’s tax policy spokesperson fully agrees.

– The government removes a series of social plans for which SV and the Storting fought this spring. But the crisis is not over. This is an antisocial package, and people who are out of work will find it harder and poorer. The government is now sending the crisis to families across the country. People will get worse advice and the differences will increase, Kari Elisabeth Kaski tells Dagbladet.

– In short, we fear that unemployment will prevail and those laid off will be left without a safety net. This is a weak, antisocial package, he adds.

It is special that the minimum requirement of unemployment benefits for part-time employees is raised to 150,000 DKK, and that the maximum period of unemployment benefit is not extended, to which the left side responds. Also, the government will reintroduce three days without pay before you receive unemployment benefits from January 1, which is not to your liking either.

– This is not good enough. What we see is that this is the conservative government’s response to the crisis. They are extremely reluctant to help the country to a sufficient degree with this stunt, a stunt that we now see will last, says Kaski.

Kritisk Ap

Labor is not happy either:

– This package does not take into account the seriousness of the situation we are in, where there are still twice as many job seekers as before the crisis and where the business community reports that the risk of bankruptcy is increasing, says Eigil Knutsen ( Labor) to Dagbladet.

– The crown crisis hits biased and government policy does the same. While before the summer they cut the wealth tax on the wealthiest and claimed it was a crisis measure, not a single new krona reaches this labor market measure in this crisis package to help the many unemployed get back to work. job.

Erna's crown bill: 125 billion

Erna’s Crown Bill: 125 Billion

FRP also annoying

While the left will demand a juicy upward adjustment of social measures to join the latest package of government measures, the FRP also places important demands on Erna Solberg.

The former government comrade believes it is particularly disappointing that he does not intend to continue with a series of tax breaks in the new package.

– That the government eliminates the temporary exemption of the tax to the air passengers is not prudent now. The industry is now close to a broken back: Anything that can help alleviate the situation would be prudent, and a reintroduction of the air passenger tax doesn’t fix it, says Sivert Bjørnstad (Frp).

– The same applies to the proposal to increase the reduced rate of VAT from 6 to 12 percent.

New Crisis Package

New Crisis Package

– strange logic

The government’s reason for not extending the measures is that it is about rates that go down with less activity.

It is logical that Bjørnstad does not understand the meaning of.

– I think this is quite strange logic, I would say that the lower the activity and income you have, the less prepared you are to pay taxes. With the government’s logic, one would almost think that taxes could now be raised even more, as there is too little revenue to pay taxes, says the Frp man on the finance committee at the Storting.
