Home office increases risk: 300,000 Norwegians scammed in one year


NorSIS has conducted the survey, which shows that more than 300,000 people have been defrauded in a way that has had financial consequences. In the age group 15 to 34 years, the proportion of people who have acquired this experience in buying animals in the last year is even higher: up to 15%.

The high number has hardly gone unnoticed in Norwegian business and industry, where 64 percent more employees have requested the National Security Month training package in information security this year, compared to last year: 164,000 registered so far.

The number of companies that have commissioned the course has also increased considerably, by 30 percent.

– It is quite obvious that more fraud in circulation and the increased use of home offices has caused more companies to worry about training their employees in information security, says senior advisor Trude Talberg-Furulund at NorSIS to NTB.

In the first half of 2020, and especially after the corona measures were in place, the digital threats affecting most individuals and small and medium-sized businesses have increasingly been fraud, NorSIS claims.

Lots of home office

Up to one in three people in Norway still work primarily in home offices, according to a survey by Norwegian Corona Monitor last week. Home office use is increasing again in September.

Many people feel alone without a social network or IT employee, someone who can contribute a reality check, for example, if a slightly suspicious email appears, where the sender’s logo may not be seen as it usually is, or the wording stuns you. .

After just a few days of closure in Norway, the first reports of corona fraud appeared online. There were emails with false covid information, offers of covid-19 vaccines, or shortage bills like hand sanitizer and masks, plus many other things that could be tempting to click on home quarantine.

Attacks and cyberbullying

During the first six months of 2020, there were 17 percent more cyber attack campaigns than in all of 2019, according to a report by the US cybersecurity company Crowdstrike. Restructuring of working life because people were sent home to work is mentioned as one of the reasons for the increase.

The figures show that the surge already started when news about the new coronavirus – and the spread of the virus – began in January. At the same time, people’s awareness of the attacks also increased, also in Norway.

The number of nettvett.no users increased by as much as 71 percent in the period from January 1 to May 31 compared to the corresponding period last year. During the same period, NorSIS experienced that it is increasingly the individual, not the computer, the number one target of cyber attacks.

During the summer vacation months and when the spread of the infection was low in Norway, traffic to the Internet wash site decreased, only to increase again when the infection increased in late August and September.


October is National Security Month. NorSIS, which is part of the government’s commitment to information security, expects a further increase in the number of participants in the courses.

With corporate teams deployed to home offices, the highest threshold for people to respond to strange inquiries, and no one to consult, NorSIS believes this year’s security course is very important and wants more to participate. persons.

– Knowledgeable employees can more easily see through fraud and deception and help make the business more secure, says Talberg-Furulund.

Because Norwegians still click without thinking. In another recent NorSIS survey, a quarter of 1,500 respondents say they never or only occasionally check whether a link or attachment in an email is secure before opening it.
