These politicians have more time to speak


NRK is accused of having a political bias to the left, but are left-wing politicians allowed to do more?


The politicians who have had the most to say to the national broadcaster in recent years are the bourgeoisie, shows a new report from the left-wing think tank Manifesto.

The report is based on the counts of participants in Dagsnytt 18 and Politisk kvarter during the election campaign in 2019, as well as two other periods in 2018 and 2019. The count was carried out by undergraduate students in the media studies program at Volda University College.

The survey shows that the bourgeois bloc had 60.4 percent of the participants in these programs against 39.5 percent of the red-green bloc.

– No trace of left turn

– We do not find traces of a left turn in the NRK talk shows in 2019. On the other hand, we find a clear dominance of the politicians of the bourgeois bloc, the report states.

News editor Knut Magnus Berge at NRK says that the census provides useful information, but that one should be careful in drawing conclusions about political bias on the basis of a pure census.

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– How we build broadcasts largely depends on what topics are important at the time. In the periods that have been measured, we had big problems on the bourgeois side, such as the choice of course in KrF, the expansion of the government and the ministers who came and went. It affects these types of counts. We had, and do have, a bourgeois government that is responsible for the policy that is followed, where you will find much of the explanation of the picture that emerges, Berge tells NTB.

Sp most underrepresented

According to the analysis, the Center Party is the party that is most underrepresented with a 6.6 percent participation. At the same time, Sp had an average support for polls on parliamentary election day in the same period of 15.4%.

The imbalance runs contrary to NRK’s ​​stated ambition to fight for coverage that is in line with support, the report states.

Berge says NRK has noted that Sp has been underrepresented, but notes that the channel’s own tally for all of 2019 gives Sp a 10 percent stake.

– And the corresponding count that now goes to Politisk Kvarter for 2020, shows that Trygve Slagsvold Vedum (Sp leader, editor’s note) is one of the party leaders who has been on the show the most times, he says.

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The researchers found no drawbacks

Berge denies that NRK has a political bias.

It notes that when researchers at the University of Bergen examined NRK’s ​​election coverage in 2017, they concluded that the national broadcaster fulfilled its mandate of having broad and balanced coverage in which all parties of one size were allowed to speak. significant.

– Our goal is to have the broadest possible debate where as many votes as possible are heard and to have the most reasonable balance possible over time, he says.

(The case continues during the vote)

– Methodological weaknesses

Civita think tank leader Kristin Clemet is among those who have previously claimed that NRK is perceived as left-wing.

She believes the survey has so many methodological flaws that it cannot be used to say anything about NRK’s ​​possible political bias, in part because the effect of government involvement is not controlled for.

– Conclusions are drawn from the census that there is no basis for the drawing, he says.

Magnus Engen Marsdal, the leader of Manifest, believes that the count can be used to corroborate that NRK is not on the left.

– The subject of the report is the repeated accusations by FRP and Civita that NRK is the national broadcasting of the Labor Party or left. When the dominance of politicians from the right-wing bloc is so great, we find reason to conclude that the allegations do not match the actual participation of the parties in 2019, Marsdal tells NTB. (© NTB)
