William Barr, American Politician Needle Skin Braids for Statement:


It receives massive criticism from Democrats. The White House Chief of Staff is also struggling to defend the statements of the Minister of Justice.

United States Attorney General William Barr is receiving massive criticism after a performance this week. Barr argued that state-level crown-related restrictions, such as the blockade, had only been surpassed by slavery when it came to a historic invasion of civil rights.

– You know, introducing a national lockdown, becoming an internal order, it’s like a house arrest. With the exception of slavery, which is another type of restriction, this is the largest usurpation of civil rights in American history, Barr said during a performance at Hillsdale College in Virginia on Wednesday, according to Politico.

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Additionally, Barr noted that the national response to the pandemic must be guided by politicians and elected officials rather than by medical experts and the scientific community.

– The person in the white coat is not the great fortune teller who can make the right decision for society. A free people makes its decisions through its elected representatives, Barr said.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Presidential candidate Joe Biden launched a frontal attack on Attorney General William Barr during the so-called town hall meeting in Pennsylvania on Thursday.

Presidential candidate Joe Biden launched a frontal attack on Attorney General William Barr during a so-called City Hall meeting in Pennsylvania on Thursday.
Photo: Jonathan Ernst (Reuters)

– The same as putting people in links?

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden was one of those who hit Barr hard.

– Have any of you ever thought that following the recommendations of the scientific community to save your life and that of others is similar to slavery, chaining people? Biden said during an election campaign event in Pennsylvania on Thursday, according to the Associated Press.

“I never thought I’d see such a successful and totally irresponsible administration,” says Biden, referring to the Trump administration that Barr is a part of.

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Congressman and Democrat James Clyburn tells CNN that Barr’s statements are the most ridiculous, deaf, and horrifying he has ever heard because they wrongly compare slavery to life-saving measures.

– Slavery was not about saving lives. It was about suppressing life. This pandemic is a threat to human life, he said.

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Several have also pointed out, including former state attorney Renato Mariotti in Twitter, that Barr obviously has a knowledge gap in American history, as he has apparently forgotten that the United States forced Japanese-Americans to go to internment camps during WWII.

– I’m not familiar with the quote.

Barr also receives moderate and to some extent reluctant criticism from his own in the White House. White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows was confronted during a press conference Thursday with Barr’s remarks that the coronary restrictions are the worst civil rights intervention in US history since slavery.

Meadows initially tried to defend Barr’s remarks, with which he was apparently unfamiliar. Then came a follow-up question from a journalist.

– But are they really the worst in history? What about the Japanese internment camps? asks a journalist during a press conference on Thursday.

– I’m not familiar with the quote. Obviously, there have been several occasions when civil rights have been trampled on, and when we first look at coerced detention, they are difficult. To compare them (editor’s note on coronary restrictions) with the Japanese internment camps. I don’t know if he made that comparison. He certainly wouldn’t do that, Meadows said.

– I get it. I haven’t seen the quote, Meadows answered another follow-up question.
