Gaute Grøtta Grav and Cathrine Montero Moen reveal the sex of the baby – VG


COUPLE CELEBRITY: Cathrine Montero Moen and Gaute Grøtta Grav, here as newly engaged this summer. Photo: PRIVATE, @cathrinemontero

Three weeks before term, Gaute Grøtta Grav (41) and Cathrine Montero Moen (30) are confident that they are expecting a child and share thoughts about the rush and the birth.

On her private Instagram, the new expectant mother posted a series of clips Thursday in which it might sound like she’s saying “now you can come.”

But that’s not true.

– No, you missed the gender, says Gaute when VG makes contact.

They originally intended to keep sex a secret from the public until the delivery was over, but are now giving it up.

– Cathrine was blown away by the baby shows a couple weeks ago, and both the photos and videos posted from there had a consistent blue theme. Now, it should be said that blue is Cathrine’s favorite color, but in such an environment, many people probably realized that she is a child on the way, Gaute believes.

Waiting with name

It is not decided what the name of the son will be. But they have some favorite names ready.

“We agree that we would like to see this child first, and then we decide which name we think is best, shortly after birth,” says Gaute.

also read

Gaute Grøtta Grave is engaged

Pregnancy has been “like a game” until now.

– Just now, in the ninth month, I have had some “symptoms” of pregnancy, such as slightly swollen feet. I don’t have much to complain about compared to many other pregnant women.


But now it’s only three weeks until term, and Cathrine is starting to get bored.

– Now approaching the end, it seems that the second hand has completely stopped working. Tying shoelaces is a chore, the stomach is in the way all the time.

Gaute posted this photo on his Instagram a week ago (article continues below):

VERY PREGNANT: “It won’t be long until we are finally parents together, and it will be absolutely fantastic,” Gaute wrote below the photo of his girlfriend, who he thinks is “completely raw.” Photo: PRIVATE, @gautegg

And sometimes emotions take over, like when they went to a climbing park last weekend, and Cathrine had planned to climb and zoom through the trees on a zip line.

– When we got there, and I realized that I was not allowed as a pregnant woman, I just went on my way and started crying. I have to laugh at that now, I’m really hormonal and emotional, says Cathrine.

(The article continues below the image)

EXCITED: Cathrine believes she will be a sensitive mother with lots of love and care. – Where I come from, generosity, courtesy and gratitude have always been important, and these are values ​​that I want to promote. Photo: PRIVATE, @cathrinemontero

Gaute met Cathrine, among other familiar things from the “Robinson Expedition” in 2011, when they both worked with “The Farm Celebrity” in 2016. He in front and she behind the camera. The following year, Gaute confirmed that he had gotten a girlfriend, but it would be another year before they opened as a couple.

In May, word came out that the two were expecting their first child together. Gaute also has two daughters from marriage to former “Farmen” winner Silje Hvarnes (40).

– It is a gift to be the father of two such beautiful girls. Having a child come now will be exciting and new to all of us. We’re really looking forward to it, says Gaute.

Cathrine is happy to have a child in her womb.

– Both because Gaute already has two girls, and because I feel that I am dressed to be the mother of a child.

On Instagram, Cathrine has posted photos and flashes of daily, multi-mile walks alone with her dog, Milo.

– What happens if labor starts suddenly?

– Today I went up Rampestreken in Åndalsnes and it went very well. It would have been crude if the water had gone to the top of a mountain. I see it in my mind: the water is going away, I start to laugh because I think I pee, but then I understand what is happening. The air ambulance arrives, the child in the womb wants to get out quickly – I give birth in the helicopter, jokes Cathrine before assuring that she will take it a little more calm the last days before term – and stay close to the Ullevål hospital.

Will feed on water

Cathrine has decided to give birth in a bathtub.

– I am looking forward to it and I think it will be a completely raw experience. The midwife has asked me what is important to me during a delivery. I replied that I hope there is room for humor and laughter, says Cathrine.


They are excited about the extent to which crown measurements will allow Gaute to participate during labor. If the contagion situation does not get much worse in the next few weeks, it will join both the delivery and the two days of maternity.

– But none of us are allowed to run small errands outside the hospital. Once you have signed in, you can only leave when you leave. And we are not allowed to receive visitors. Compared to parents who have barely been able to deliver this winter, we think this is a very good solution, says Gaute.

Wedding on hold

In June of this year, Gaute got down on one knee and proposed, on his girlfriend’s 30th birthday. It had been four months since the news came that Gaute had resigned as host of “The Farm” after ten years.

– If it hadn’t been for the crown situation, the wedding invitations would have been sent out a long time ago. We are looking at some options next fall, but we will wait with the wedding until we are sure that the guests can jump and dance freely, without having to maintain a meter distance or have other restrictions.

also read

Gaute and Cathrine are expecting children

Gaute and Cathrine have recently been in the news with their own Facebook and YouTube series ‘Holiday Pearls’, where they have traveled by motorhome in Norway. The most watched episode has 319,000 viewers and they are now planning a winter version.

– Our programs are also aimed at families, so having kids on admission this winter will be great, the couple believes.

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