Fight back: – They have a hard time


Gharahkhani came out in Dagbladet on Saturday and stated that the Labor Party wants Norway to get more than 50 from the Morial camp, as the government has advocated.

This has created strong reactions from both conservatives and the Progress Party, which claims that the Labor Party has taken vacillation on immigration policy to new heights.

Both Ove Trellevik (H) and Sylvi Listhaug (Frp) said yesterday that the Labor Party is specific about where many want to collect.

But neither they, nor Dagbladet, get an answer to that question. Despite the Labor Party being asked repeatedly since Saturday.

– Ove Trellevik and Sylvi Listhaug obviously have a hard time with it. Our proposal is the same now as when we proposed it at the Storting in April. In accordance with our adopted policy, we proposed to increase the quota by 500, and that we, together with the UN, should consider how much of these should be taken from the vulnerable in Greece, Gharahkhani told Dagbladet.

Armored on Støre: - Vinglepetter

Armored on Støre: – Vinglepetter

Strike back

The Labor politician reacts to the rhetoric of Trellevik and Listhaug, which he believes does not take into account the situation on the ground in Greece.

Gharahkhani also points to the government, which is actually responsible for negotiating on behalf of Norway.

“Didn’t Trellevik and Listhaug realize that Moria’s camp was really on fire?” The situation now intensifies hour after hour. In fact, it is not possible to play ostrich and close your eyes to what is happening; This acute crisis, of course, must have consequences for Norway’s contribution. It is the government’s responsibility to sit down with the European countries to find a common solution for Greece, where they find out what is the correct number to accept for Norway.

This is the new migration policy of the Labor Party

This is the new migration policy of the Labor Party

The conservative Ove Trellevik yesterday cited several examples of what he believes to be the Labor Party’s doubts on immigration policy and said that “Gharahkhani has no authority on these issues internally within his own party” and that the Labor profile “puts of knees to internal opposition. “

Makes Gharahkhani turn on the rhetorical hype.

– When Trellevik talks about the lack of impact on his own party, it is, in contrast to immigration policy, a field in which he has the maximum competence. Erna Solberg and the rest of the government have obviously understood this, as Trellevik never has an overview of what the government does and proposes in the field for which it is the spokesperson on paper, says Gharahkhani.

Labor: - Obtain over 50 from Moria

Labor: – Obtain over 50 from Moria

– T-shirt

The Labor Party politician points out that Norway is interested in working for solutions in which Europe contributes together to maintain control of the borders.

He asks the ruling parties to accept that job instead of arguing at the duck pond.

– Chaos is the word that best describes bourgeois immigration policy. KrF and Venstre are calling for more liberalization, Frp is calling for more austerity, and the Conservatives are largely sitting around waiting for it to happen. The only thing they agree on is a disclaimer, as well as trying to blame the Labor Party. Those who pay the highest price for this are people living in insecurity and not getting help, says Gharahkhani.
