– Skjeldam’s loss quota has been exhausted – VG


INVESTIGATION: Here’s the MS ‘Roald Amundsen’ on the Tromsø pier. On Thursday, the investigation report came in the wake of the corona eruption. Photo: Ingun A. Mæhlum

The unions believe CEO Daniel Skjeldam has little to do after the overwhelming verdict in the investigative report.

The Hurtigruten infection outbreak investigation report concludes that Hurtigruten should never have traveled on the first trip on July 17 and believes that various members of the company have made a number of incorrect assessments.

The Norwegian Seafarers Association believes that the Executive Vice President lives dangerously:

– Skjeldam’s loss quota has been exhausted. He has nothing more to go on, says government contact Stian Grøthe at the Norwegian Seafarers Association.

He hopes that Skjeldam will now work things out internally to improve what Grøthe calls a culture of fear.

– We have been notified that there is a culture of fear in Hurtigruten. This is in line with what is stated in the report. There is no one but Skjeldam who can do something about it.

THE BOAT WILL TRAVEL: Daniel Skjeldam says he will work to restore employee confidence. Photo: Gabriel Skålevik

Skjeldam: We will have a culture of openness

When asked by VG if Skjeldam feels he has the employees behind him, he responds:

– It’s a big, long-term job to rebuild the trust we need. It is quite obvious that we have failed and I understand that many are disappointed, even among employees. We must have a culture of openness. It must be possible and permissible to speak.

– What kind of culture do you foster when employees have to sign a confidentiality statement before enlisting on a ship?

– I do not know the details of the confidentiality statement, but our employees are involved in handling a lot of information about the guests and other things, so it is the basis for that, I suppose, he tells VG.

Machinists Association: now they have to listen

– They must take this seriously. Now they must listen above all to the employees, especially when it comes to risk assessment, Hege-Merethe Bengtsson, executive director of the Norwegian Machinists Association, tells VG.

He is pleased that the contributions of its members have been included in the report.

Hege-Merethe Bengtsson, executive director of the Norwegian Machinists Association, photographed here in Stavanger in 2015. Photo: Carina Johansen / NTB scanpix

– Now you have to roll up your sleeves and do the work necessary to ensure a safe workplace for employees and make it safe for the public and guests. As an employer, we believe they have a long way to go, says Bengtsson, and he hopes Hurtigruten management understands that it is not just about the pandemic.

– Don’t be too short-sighted

– My concern is that one should not be too myopic, but understand that a culture has been revealed here that has nothing to do with the crown outbreak. This is not a situation that has arisen suddenly due to the crown.

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– Employees were tired

Attorney Jan Fougner, who heads the committee, also noted that this has been a difficult situation for many of the employees.

– Employees were tired, many of them exhausted, they worked enormously to make this work on time, there were many layoffs. They were tired and it was a bad time. The Hurtigruten systems that were to be established and implemented in connection with the COVID-19 situation did not work as they should.

Fougner also said that Hurtigruten was simply not ready when MS “Roald Amundssen” left Tromsø in the direction of Svalbard.

– You should not travel on July 17.

The report states that Hurtigruten should actively encourage employee input at all levels and that relevant unions should engage in close cooperation. It is recommended to work with the cultural climate and of expression in the whole group.

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