Navalny wants to return to Russia


On Tuesday, Alexei Navalny posted a greeting on Instagram from his hospital bed in Berlin, thanking him for the support and saying that on Monday he breathed through his own machine for a whole day for the first time.

– I still can’t do much, but yesterday I was able to breathe myself all day, says Navalny in what is his first post on social media since he became seriously ill.

I never considered not going back

For Bloomberg, his spokesperson Kira Yarmysh says that concrete plans have not yet been made for the opposition politician, but that it has never been considered that he will not return to Russia.

“It seems mysterious to me why someone should believe otherwise,” he explains to the BBC.

On Monday, samples analyzed by laboratories in France and Sweden confirmed that the Russian opposition leader was poisoned with the neurotoxin novitsjok.

Read also: New evidence confirms Navalny was poisoned with novitiate

Strong pressure on Russia

Navalny became seriously ill during a visit to Siberia on August 20. He was first admitted to a hospital in Omsk, but doctors could not determine what was wrong with him.

Following international pressure, he was airlifted to the Charité Hospital in Berlin, where he has been hospitalized ever since.

German Prime Minister Angela Merkel, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and other Western leaders have demanded that the Russian authorities “explain themselves” about it.

Read also: Russia’s Foreign Minister broadly confronts the West in the Navalny case
