Lost control – NRK Norway – Summary of news from different parts of the country


It was at the home of a 15-year-old youth that the party was held.

The 15-year-old’s mother tells NRK that the boy had invited some friends to her home while she was on a business trip, without either parent knowing.

It was Budstikka who first spoke to her mother.

The police broke up the party

– Unfortunately, many more came than I had invited. Lost control. At most, a maximum of 50 young people were present. We were not notified until Friday night. We appreciate that the neighbor notified and that the police were quickly on the scene, the mother writes in a text message to NRK.

The boy’s father also arrived quickly.

– We cooperate with the police and naturally we follow our son. Of course, he is very sorry and apologizes for what happened, his mother says.

Police downplay the number of youths and say there were not 150 participants at the party when they arrived at the venue last night.

– The newspaper says that our patrol found 20 people at the party and a large influx of people when they arrived. We had to break up the party after arriving at 9:22 p.m. The father of the boy who lived at the party site finally arrived at the site, says operations manager Vidar Pedersen.

– Infection control not understood

Operations manager Pedersen says it’s the 15-year-old who has had the party and that the participants are mostly the same age and into their mid-20s.

– Gathering so many at a party today, so you haven’t realized this with infection control. We are glad we were notified of this, says the manager of police operations.

And continues:

– We get a lot of messages about parties now in these crown times. We talk to those who report us and we leave if we feel necessary, he says.

The mother says that she has been on a business trip in recent days.

– My 15-year-old son was with his father. Without telling the parents, on September 9 and 10, five friends visited me. Unfortunately, they played loud music, says the mother.

Police say they cannot confirm or deny whether these parties lasted multiple days in a row

– Do not notice any noise

NRK has asked several residents in the area if they have heard anything about the party:

– I didn’t know it was such a big party, it lasted several days. I heard some noise at night, but didn’t experience it as big, says one of the neighbors.

Another neighbor says:

– I did not realize that there was a big party in the area before reading it in the media, he says.

Police say this party has yet to have consequences. However, Operations Manager Pedersen says it is routine in cases involving people under the age of 15 for the child welfare service to be contacted.
