electric scooter, Voi Scooters | Here Jens (22) takes Voi’s reaction test: To avoid drunk driving


From night to Saturday, you can’t rent an electric scooter from Voi without going through a reaction test.

OSLO (Nettavisen Økonomi): Jens Kristoffersen (22) tested riding an electric scooter with a blood alcohol level of 1.7 per thousand on Friday. After seeing how difficult it was, he tried the reaction test that Voi launches on Saturday night, with blood alcohol glasses on.

– I didn’t have a chance! I’m three out of ten, he says.

Watch the video at the top of the box to see how the reaction test works.

The test you tried was to press various helmet icons that appeared on the screen. Both accuracy, that is, whether you can press the helmets, and speed are measured.

If you don’t get good enough results, you won’t be able to rent an electric scooter from Voi.

Click the pic to enlarge.  jens kristoffersen - voi-app tester

HARD: Jens Kristoffersen tested the new reaction test for Voi on Friday morning with blood alcohol glasses. It wasn’t easy, he thinks.
Photo: Nina Lorvik (Mediehuset Nettavisen)

– Don’t drive drunk

Christina Moe Gjerde, Norwegian manager of Voi, says that tonight they are launching the reaction test within the Voi app, and it is the first of its kind.

Also read: You received a fine of 15,000 for driving under the influence of alcohol on an electric scooter

– We are very excited about that. The purpose behind this is to raise awareness about drunk driving. And whether you pass the test or not, you shouldn’t drive while intoxicated, he says.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Christina Moe Gjerde in Voi

YOU WANT TO REDUCE ACCIDENTS: Christina Moe Gjerde, Norwegian manager for Voi, says they will help reduce the number of electric scooter accidents at night by taking this test.
Photo: Nina Lorvik (Mediehuset Nettavisen)

You must pass this test to rent an electric scooter at night on weekends.

However, Gjerde believes that such a test is not enough. She says Voi wants there to be a blood alcohol limit on electric scooters and for the police to enforce it.

Runar Karlsen is the new director of the traffic area in the Police Directorate:

– I do not know if it is the reaction and the consumption of alcohol the cause of accidents with electric scooters or if it is, for example, the willingness to take risks. I’m more concerned that we reexamine the rules. There is probably a reason to intervene, because there have been many accidents. But for a company to have such proof, it is certainly a good entry. It is not a bad thing that there are requirements for reaction, Karlsen tells Nettavisen.

He emphasizes that so far he has not heard or seen this test, but tells Nettavisen that the Ministry of Transport has begun to work where a series of regulations and measures will be considered regarding the use of, among other things, electric scooters, labor to which the police come. entry. This work should be finished no later than next spring, promises the subject director.

Click the pic to enlarge.  PRESSURE ERROR: If you don't hit the Voi helmets a specified number of times, you have failed the reaction test.

PRESSURE ERROR: If you don’t hit the Voi helmets a specified number of times, you have failed the reaction test.
Photo: Nina Lorvik (Mediehuset Nettavisen)

Read also: Here electric scooters move directly on the tram track: – They should have been handcuffed

It will reduce the number of accidents

Henrik Pettersen Sunde, communications consultant for Young in Traffic, tells Nettavisen that they have collaborated with Voi in launching the reaction test.

– We see that it is a big problem that people drive drunk and we hope that this test can help reduce the number of injuries, he says.

Also read: Voi: We are trying to reach an agreement with the municipality of Oslo

Sunde says Young in Traffic has contributed nothing to the development of the test, but they want to help focus on it. Expect the reaction test to lead to fewer people driving while intoxicated.

Click the pic to enlarge.  WILL CONTRIBUTE: Henrik Pettersen Sunde, communications consultant for Ung i trafikken, says they want to help spread information that you should not drive while intoxicated.

WILL CONTRIBUTE: Henrik Pettersen Sunde, communications consultant for Ung i trafikken, says they want to help spread information that you should not drive while intoxicated.
Photo: Henrik Wiese-Hansen

Feel free to give your opinion in the survey before reading further, the article continues below.

A lot of accidents

There have been many accidents with electric scooters in Norway since they became very popular, especially in large cities where they can be rented to multiple players.

Among other things, this has prompted rental companies to join forces in August to initiate various measures.

– We understand that something must be done in Oslo. So we are pleased to have gotten everyone in the industry, for example, to have street patrols that quickly fix incorrectly parked scooters. Also, there will be stricter restrictions on where you can park, Gjerde told Nettavisen in August.

Nils Wijkmark, Bolt’s regional manager for Northern Europe, told Nettavisen that he also believes that street patrols will make a positive contribution.

– In recent weeks we have had patrols on the streets that will take care of the wrong parking, he said in August, but pointed out the following.

Also read: Lan Marie Berg must take her share of responsibility in the chaos of electric scooters in central Oslo

– Electric scooters are here to stay. But the root of the problem is that there are too many scooters in the urban landscape. I think we need to see how many each operator can have.

Voi also believes that the number of scooters in the city should be reduced. Christina Moe Gjerde, on the other hand, believes that it should be regulated so that not a lot of different companies, as it is today, can be on the market.
