Personality, Personality test | Rolf Marvin Bøe Lindgren has been doing personality tests for 25 years. This is how you describe the people who succeed best


Some are born with a personality that facilitates popularity, happiness, and a full bank account. However, there is another factor that determines whether you really succeed.

‘Yes, but I can’t do anything about it, just it is how that”.

Have you ever heard someone say that when apologizing for their own behavior? Or maybe you said it yourself?

When you’re ten minutes late for a coffee date, for example. Or when you realize you’ve forgotten your wallet at home, and then spill the coffee mug that you had to tie five minutes after it reaches the table.

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So it’s easy to blame for being born that way. I can’t do much about it. You alone it is distracted, clumsy and always out at the last minute.

In fact, you are right. You are largely born that way.

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Inheritance vs. ambient

On Friday, the book “Who are you?” on store shelves, written by host Petter Schjerven and psychologist Rolf Marvin Bøe Lindgren.

Lindgren is one of the leading Norwegian experts in personality psychology and conducts personality tests on the popular radio show “Sånn er du” on NRK P2, where Harald Eia and Nils Brenna analyze celebrities using the “Big 5”.

Click the pic to enlarge.  AUTHOR: Petter Schjerven and psychologist Rolf Marvin Bøe Lindgren have written the book

AUTHOR: Petter Schjerven (left) and psychologist Rolf Marvin Bøe Lindgren have written the book “Who are you?”
Photo: Vigmostad and Bjørke

When experts must analyze personality, they often rely on the “big 5,” which is considered the standard model for describing personality in psychology.

Here, your personality is described using five general dimensions: openness, planning, extroversion, sociability, and neuroticism.


In the book, the authors tackle the big topic “where does your personality come from?”, And then specifically address inheritance in our personality traits.

Thanks to an explosion in the number of studies in behavioral genetics, researchers have managed to specify in percentage what proportion of personality factors are actually genes and heredity:

Click the pic to enlarge.  HERITAGE

Photo: screenshot from the book “Who are you?” Figures taken from the research of Jang, Livesley and Vernon (1996)

As we can see, the genetic heritability in the measured personality traits is between 40 and 50 percent. Does that mean the other half can be changed?

Well, not really, experts say.

In fact, there is a great individual difference in the ease with which one can change and, in general, there are limitations such as trauma, abuse and malnutrition that seem to be the factors that can change our personality the most.

– What about all those who are so lucky to live their life without trauma, abuse and malnutrition, then the personality only develops naturally from the genetic starting point?

– Yes, you say it yourself. “It develops naturally,” says psychologist Lindgren.

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Precisely because the genetic contribution affects the surrounding environment, some researchers estimate that the total heritability is closer to 100 percent.

If you want to be successful in changing your personality, you must stay in an environment where the environment makes it easier to become who you want than to be who you are.

In the book, the defense is cited as a good example of this, and many can change a lot during a year on the first serve, which may be due to the fact that afterwards one associates heavily with his teammates.

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Higher probability of success in 2020

Lindgren has been running personality tests for more than 25 years. Thus, he has gone through countless analyzes and then presented the verdict to curious Norwegians.

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We give you a fun task.

– Can you describe the ‘ideal person in 2020’, ie the most successful personality type in all areas of Norwegian society today? In work life, in love life, in the bank account and in the group of friends?

Lindgren pulls a bit of it.

– Well, as Abraham Lincoln said: “God must have been very loving to average people, because they are the ones he has created the most.” And that’s really true, because in general it’s about scoring around the average on the five factors that we measure, Lindgren says, explaining:

– Specifically, I would say that society is designed for people who score slightly above average on all traits except neuroticism, where you should score slightly below average.

The psychologist argues well for the conclusion.

– If you score above average in extroversion, you are energetic and enjoy meeting people. If you are a little above average, you are also genuinely interested in getting to know those around you, as well as being empathetic and caring.

A combination of these traits is very fortunate socially. The most popular people score high on both moves.

– If you also score above average on the schedule, it is neat and works steadily, so you can have a reasonably high production. If he also scores above average in opening, he is curious and likes to discover new things.

It is good to have these traits in work life. Not only is he trustworthy and has a high work ethic, but he’s also capable of learning new things and adapting, which scouts say is crucial to surviving in today’s job market.

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– And if you score below average on neurotisime, then you worry less and recover faster after a recession.

– It seems that neuroticism is an unpopular personality trait in general. Should one score as low as possible here?

– It is never a goal to get the highest or lowest score possible. If you score very low on neuroticism, you hardly care about a thing, so it’s not good either.

A crucial factor for success

If you get a score like Lindgren describes above, there is a lot to offer for a good life in Norway.

– So you have a personality with a good starting point for socio-economic success, good income, a stable coexistence and a solid circle of friends, summarizes the psychologist.

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That said, there is one factor that determines whether you are truly successful, especially in work life.

– IQ is relatively crucial and has nothing to do with personality.

– Votes. It’s smart to be smart. So what determines your IQ?

– It’s very hereditary. We can see it as kind of an average of your parents’ IQ, Lindgren says.

– Exactly. But it has to do with personality, right? Do we do more of the things we’re naturally good at, for example?

– Of course. It is rare that a very outgoing and sociable person is not intelligent, for example. Then you get fussy, Lindgren laughs.

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The friendly environment is crucial

Curious information, this, but after all, we return to the starting point:

You are largely born with your personality. In other words, there is luck for those born “ideal human beings” and bad luck for those born with a worse starting point.

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However, there is a relatively simple way to influence personality, says Lindgren.

– Research shows that friendships affect personality to a relatively large degree. So if you, as a parent, are able to influence the friends your child has, you can also influence the personality.
