The dentist brought drugs from work to rape a partner


The abuse took place over a five-year period between 2014 and 2019. The man, who is in his 40s, gave his partner strong narcotics before carrying out the rapes, according to the indictment.

The partner was completely unaware of the abuse until the case was closed last year.

On Wednesday, the case will be heard in the Oslo District Court.


The man used to work as a dentist in eastern Norway. According to the indictment, he has gained access to the strong anesthetics midazolam and rohypnol through his work.

He killed Piotr (57) at a work party: the night started with a discussion about music.

Midazolam is a sleep-inducing drug that is used, among other things, in connection with surgical procedures.

Rohypnol was previously prescribed in Norway to patients with sleep problems, but it is no longer used because it is highly addictive.

Perhaps it is also better known as a “date rape drug” because the person who ingests it often loses consciousness. In several rape cases, the victim has been unable to oppose the abuse because she has been under the influence of rohypnol.

Leave the cards on the table yourself

The case has been resolved almost exclusively as a result of the dentist’s own willingness to cooperate.

At the end of 2019, he went on his own initiative to the police to report himself.

This happened after being confronted by his partner. It was then explained in detail to the police.

ACTOR: State's Attorney Cecilie Schløsser Møller is responsible for prosecution in the case.

ACTOR: State’s Attorney Cecilie Schløsser Møller is responsible for prosecution in the case. Photo: Vegard Wivestad Grøtt

– This accusation would not have been as it was if he had not put all the cards on the table, says the prosecutor and prosecutor in the case, Cecilie Schløsser Møller to TV 2.

The accusation describes in detail several of the actions that the man carried out against his partner. Among other things, he is said to have used a perfume bottle, syringes and a spatula to carry out several of the rapes.

– This case is very special. Both because he considers that the accused is reviewed and explained in such detail, and because it is a dentist who has used his profession to acquire the drugs, he says.

Wanted to cooperate

Therefore, the man has admitted his criminal guilt and has contributed greatly to solving the case.

Previously, he worked in two different dental practices in eastern Norway, where a total of more than 100 milliliters of midazolam and two rohypnol tablets were supplied.

His defender, Mikkel Toft Gimse, tells TV 2 that his client has been interested in cooperating with the police.

– It’s a tedious process and you’re looking forward to finishing the test, says Gimse.

The offended woman’s assistance attorney, Stine Lundevall, does not want to comment on the case itself, but says it has been a burden on her client.

– The case is very serious and he hopes to finish it, says Lundevall.

The case will be heard in court on Wednesday 9 September at the Oslo District Court.
