Brann, Drammen | Burning houses in Drammen – neighboring houses evacuated


Emergency services move after a report of a house fire in Tomineborgveien in Drammen.

(Drammens Tidende): The police report that the flames are coming from a private house in Tomineborgveien. They confirm that it is burning in the house, especially on the second floor of the building.

– We don’t know if there are people inside the house yet. We just got here, says Southeast Police Operations Manager Trond Egil Groth.

At 22.28, the police report that there will be no people inside the building. Three people were present on the ground floor of the building when the fire started.

The fire department has started the extinction. The second floor of the house is on fire, the fire brigade reports and the police report that there is a danger of it spreading. Therefore, neighboring houses have been evacuated, police report. They also encourage neighbors to keep windows closed due to heavy smoke. This smoke can be seen from long distances.

– As of now, it appears that no one inside has been affected by the fire, but we continue to check. Now we concentrate on putting out the fire. So far it looks good, and we quickly got to the scene, says the police operations manager at the scene, Asbjørn Løvold.

The house in which it burns is completely damaged.

– We hope there is no spread, says Løvold

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