Donald Trump | Personlig pengemareritt for Donald Trump


The crown pandemic has shattered President Donald Trump’s personal finances.

President Donald Trump’s economy has taken a real hit, we believe the latest figures released in Forbes. They have done a review of your assets, which shows that you have been through a very rough year.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Some of President Donald Trump's assets, such as his Doral golf course in Miami, have fallen by as much as 80 percent in value over the past year, according to Forbes.

Some of President Donald Trump’s assets, such as his Doral golf course in Miami, have fallen by as much as 80 percent in value over the past year, according to Forbes.
Photo: REUTERS / Leah Millis

Some assets, like its Doral golf resort in Miami, have fallen as much as 80 percent in value over the past year. According to Forbes, it is now only worth $ 28 million, or 250 million crowns, if you take home loans into account.

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Wealth is down 20 percent

Trump has great values ​​in both office buildings and hotels. But according to Forbes, he also owes a lot of debt on DC and Chicago properties.

Forbes has calculated that Donald Trump’s values ​​have fallen 20 percent, to about $ 600 million, or NKR 5.4 billion, in the last year.

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The president is therefore worth $ 2.5 billion, or NOK 22.6 billion. It gives the president number 339 on Forbes’ list of the 400 richest people in America, 64 places down from last year.

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It has 350 parking spaces in Manhattan

But, not everything is dark for Trump and his investments, we must believe in Forbes. Among other things, some bright spots stand out in Trump’s portfolio, like the garage spaces the president sits in in Manhattan. It has 350 parking spaces there, which according to them is a good investment considering all those who are now afraid to take the metro in the city.

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Also noteworthy are his Mar-a-Lago Club property in Florida and three nearby houses owned by the president. These are typically lucrative properties, but they are especially attractive now that New Yorkers are fleeing the city and raising prices in places like Palm Beach, Forbes writes.

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