Utøykaia: 17 out of 18 neighbors are at risk of developing health damage


“Of the 18 residents who have been examined, we consider that five with a qualified degree of probability will suffer permanent damage to their mental health as a result of the ongoing work with the memorial site and the complete establishment of the memorial site. For six neighbors, we consider that this risk is moderate and / or present, for six neighbors we consider that the risk is low and for one neighbor we do not find a greater risk of developing injuries, “the report concludes.

The report was commissioned by the residents of the national monument in Utøykaia. The conclusion is contrary to another report, made by the Department of Crisis Psychology, which is behind developer Statsbygg. They concluded that there is no need to conduct a health impact assessment of the memorial site location after July 22 in the Municipality of Hole.

In early August, Statsbygg began work on a memorial site in Utøykaia. The neighbors have sued and have requested a temporary cessation of the urbanization until the trial begins.

The case regarding the temporary injunction will be heard in the Ringerike District Court from September 15-18. The lawsuit will take place in court in November.
