– In violation of the law – VG


TOM CRUISE-CRUISE: Hurtigruten’s MS “Fridtjof Nansen” is located on the Hellesylt Pier and houses the employees filming the next Tom Cruise movie. The company is now being reported to the police for illegal use of employees and hotel operations. Photo: Geir Olsen

Trade and Industry Minister Iselin Nybø has informed Hurtigruten that the use of the cruise ship MS “Fridtjof Nansen” as a hotel is a violation of the law. Hurtigruten will not respond if they want to change operations.

Trade and Industry Minister Iselin Nybø held a “dishwashing meeting” with Hurtigruten on Monday afternoon, along with the unions that have reported Hurtigruten to the police.

The dispute is over the cruise ship MS “Fridtjof Nansen”, which is located on the Hellesylt pier and houses the film crew that is in the process of shooting the upcoming Tom Cruise movie “Mission: Impossible.”

– I made it clear that the business that is carried out today on board the ship is contrary to the law and the intention of the law. We will prepare a new regulation that will clarify this for the future, the Minister of Commerce and Industry told VG immediately after the meeting.

Police have temporarily concluded that Hurtigruten is breaking the law by having Filipino crew aboard the ship. They believe that workers must have a work permit when the boat is used in this way.

The Norwegian Seamen’s Association believes that Hurtigruten must immediately shut down operations to prevent the Filipino crew from being expelled from Norway.

RECORDING: Fans and viewers have flocked to see Tom Cruise at Møre og Romsdal. The actor is shooting the last film in the series «Mission: Impossible». Photo: Geir Olsen

Hurtigruten: we operate within the law

Anne Marit Bjørnflaten, Communications Director for Hurtigruten, was present during the meeting and met with VG outside the Ministry of Trade and Industry. She made it clear that they still believe they have stayed within the law.

– We explained our opinions and were clear that the Norwegian Maritime Directorate has declared that we operate within the law. It was a good meeting where they briefed us on our position, says Bjørnflaten.

When asked if Hurtigruten perceived the conclusion of the meeting as a message to suspend operations on the ship, Bjørnflaten replied:

– The minister says that she will study a change in the regulations. For us, this is an extraordinary unique event and we are sure that we are looking for more practice in this regard. We believe that we operate within Norwegian law.

– Do you want to continue with the practice?

– We have realized, and we relate to what is here and now.

Bjørnflaten would not answer direct questions as to whether this means that they are now switching operations.

ON THE CARPET: Trade and Industry Minister Iselin Nybø (left) called the parties to the Hurtigruten conflict for a meeting today. In the long line are Hurtigruten’s Asta Lassesen and Hurtigruten’s communications director, Anne Marit Bjørnflaten. At the bottom of the table is Felleforbundet leader Jørn Eggum. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB scanpix

Other shipping companies did not get this summer

Despite the Norwegian Maritime Directorate letting Hurtigruten’s MS “Fridtjof Nansen” function as a hotel ship, another ship with similar questions received a no from depratement in July this year.

Shows the documents VG has had access to.

On July 27, the Wikborg Rein law firm contacted the ministry with a question about NIS ships as hotel ships in Norway.

“The questions we want answered are whether there is anything that would prevent a NIS registered cruise from being used as a hotel ship for a period of 14 days while the ship is docked (hot storage) in Norway,” writes a employee of the law firm.

The shipping company does not appear in the email.

Read the case here:

also read

The request for a hotel ship was rejected, then the “Tom Cruise” was allowed

Minister of Commerce and Industry: – We have been clear

– Isn’t it the case that the regulations are open to interpretation?

– Since 2018 and possibly before that, we have been clear that this type of activity cannot take place from a NIS registered ship in a Norwegian port.

– Are you described as disappointed?

– My expectation is that they relate to what the regulation is and we present our vision of the regulation. I stay with that.

– What do you expect Hurtigruten to do now?

– Now we had a round and I must be honest that no one moved in this meeting. At the same time, we are clear that we do not want NIS ships to operate in Norwegian ports for this type of business. I asked them to adjust to the understanding of what the ministry has been based on, Nybø tells VG.

– Was Hurtigruten told to suspend operations?

– I do not think they have any doubt that the ministry believes that the business they run is not as the law should be interpreted, but that does not mean that they should close the operation. There are a number of possibilities within what is the current regulations.

– Does Hurtigruten still think they have the acceptance of the Norwegian Maritime Directorate?

– I do not agree with the way to interpret the law, said the Minister of Commerce and Industry.

Sjømannsforbundet: – Must cease immediately

– The Ministry is very clear that this is illegal. The trade and industry minister did not use the word disappointed, but made it clear that she expected Hurtigruten to be too good at this, says leader Jørn Eggum at Fellesforbundet.

The lawyer for the Norwegian Seamen’s Association, Terje Hernes Pettersen, was present at the meeting. The union believes that Hurtigruten’s illegal practices could put Filipino employees at risk of deportation.

– The minister asked Hurtigruten to find a solution as soon as possible. The Minister of Trade and Industry is in charge of the Norwegian Maritime Directorate. It should end immediately, says Pettersen.

The lawyer believes the ministry should follow up with sanctions on Hurtigruten, such as removing the company from the NIS registry or imposing sanctions.

– I hope Hurtigruten will stop the illegal activity, mark the vessel from the NIS register to Norskip and take on the legal work. We hope so now, says Pettersen.

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