Great police operation: man stabbed


Late Sunday night, the police stated on Twitter and to Dagbladet that a man in his 30s had been shot and wounded on an open street in Bredtvetveien in Oslo.

– He is being treated by an ambulance and has been shot one or several times, operations manager Gjermund Stokkli told Dagbladet.

At 02.20 the police turn around. In a Twitter message, the Oslo police write that investigations of the victim at the hospital indicate that he was stabbed / cut with a knife.

– No injuries have been found compatible with the shooting, confirms the director of operations Christian Krohn Engeseth to Dagbladet.

It says forensic technicians are working at the site and that no indication has been found so far of any shooting at the site.

– There were reports of bangs, I don’t know where they came from. But so far there is no indication that the victim has gunshot wounds.

Police are still searching for the perpetrators.

At 1:20 on Monday evening, the head of police duties at the scene, Erik Hestvik, told reporters that the police do not consider this to be a coincidence.

– A person has been transferred to the hospital and is receiving treatment. He is not seriously injured. We are looking for two or more perpetrators seen in the area.

SHOOTING: A man in his 30s was shot on an open street in Oslo. The police are looking for the perpetrators. Photo: Øistein Norum Monsen.
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Silver gray car

Earlier in the evening, operations manager Stokkli said police had received information that they may have fled in a car. Hestvik later said that in connection with the action, a silver-gray van has been seen, of which the police want information.

– It is seen leaving the area, so all movements in the area Bredtvetveien of such a car is interesting for the police.

If anyone has observations that may be relevant to the case, the police encourage the public to call 02800.

Technical and tactical investigations are ongoing at the site.

– We have active measures in the city and we have some hypotheses from which we work. At the moment, this appears to us as an incident with a relationship between those involved, Hestvik said.

I hear noise

According to the Dagbladet reporter, the police blocked between 200 and 300 meters from Bredtvetveien and questioned witnesses at the scene. The police had also closed the E6 to Oslo, and with many armed guards, from the entrance to the Trosterud tunnel, according to the reporter.

Police also searched dogs around the crime scene, which is located right next to the Bredtveit prison.

Dagbladet has been in contact with a witness who witnessed parts of the incident. The person, who lives in the area, heard fights and fights between several people. Later, the witness claims to have heard that shots were fired.

The witness saw three people fleeing the scene. The person in question has also given an explanation to the police.

A source tells Dagbladet that the local street is a known place for drug sales. There must also have been a lot of unrest in criminal circles in the area since last year.

Dagbladet is following the case.
