30 percent of young people claim to have been to a party where infection control rules were not followed – VG


PARTY: Various youth parties have led to outbreaks. The image is not related to the case. Photo: Odin Jæger, VG

Health Minister Bent Høie (H) hopes that more young people will know how to take better care of themselves and their friends.

13 percent of respondents to the survey, which Respons Analyze conducted on behalf of VG, claim to have been to a party where infection control rules were not followed.

However, there are large variations in age groups.

Up to 30 percent of young people between the ages of 18 and 30 report having been to a party where infection control rules were not followed in the past month. Among adults over 60, only five percent answer the same.

– I hope and believe that the outbreaks recently have been encouraging and that more and more young people are improving their care of themselves and their friends. And then everyone with symptoms should get tested and stay home until they are healthy.

The survey was conducted between 26 and 31. August and among the 1000 participants who make up a representative sample of the population over 18 years of age.

Several youth parties have recently sparked outbreaks. At the Norwegian School of Management, 120 students are infected after the holidays.

HEALTH MINISTER: Bent Høie understands that people can forget themselves. Photo: Frode Hansen

– When we don’t keep our distance, it has consequences. The difference between age groups is shown by the fact that we now see the infection spreading among young adults, both in this country and in many European countries, Health Minister Bent Høie tells VG.

He says he is not surprised that those over 60 are better at keeping their distance.

– Many of those over 60 are in the risk group of developing a serious disease if they become infected, he says.

See the Minister of Health’s advice for partying during the pandemic:

– It is important to keep the “meter”

But it’s not just at parties that people find it difficult to comply with infection control rules. Half of all survey participants say they have not been able to keep their distance from others in the past month.

– I think most people do what they can to keep their distance, but there are situations where it doesn’t work and we can all forget ourselves. I also. However, it is important that we do what we can to maintain the meter, Høie says in an email to VG.

Stresses that the “meter” prevents infection and stops serious disease.

– It is the meter that keeps us in control and keeps our society open. There is also a tendency for the meter to be shorter the more friends there are at the party and the higher the per thousand is. Infection control is the first party guest to go to bed early, he says.

PARTY ADVERTISING: The National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) has made direct advertising to young people: “Party like it’s 2020.” Photo: Ørn E. Borgen

Few go to work with symptoms

Study participants were also asked if they had gone to work with respiratory symptoms in the past month.

Only three percent answered yes.

– I’m very happy about that. All people with symptoms should be tested and stay home until they are healthy. This also applies even if you have a negative test result. In this way, you help prevent the spread of the common cold and flu. This, in turn, relieves pressure on the health service and testing capacity, Høie says.

However, four percent of the participants report having violated the quarantine rules in the same period. Given that a limited proportion of the population has been quarantined in the last month, it may still be a significant proportion.

– What do you think of people who say they have violated the quarantine rules?

– By keeping the quarantine rules, you give a gift to the people around you. Make sure those you associate with don’t get infected or end up quarantined if you’re unlucky enough to be infected, Høie says, continuing:

– When you break quarantine or isolation, you put others in danger. It is very serious and can be punishable.

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