– The alcohol from the hands caught fire


A woman from the city of Austin, Texas, is in intensive care after suffering severe burns when a container of handheld alcohol exploded. Reports, among other things, CBS News.

Kate Wise told the news station that she had recently smeared herself with the disinfectant when she was about to light a candle. Then her hand caught fire and when the container with the agent came into contact with the flames, it exploded.

– Pain I can’t explain

Wise had bought the alcohol-based sanitizer from a store she trusted. She describes the incident as overwhelming.

– It was a pain I can’t explain. It was felt in my whole body, in my whole being. The nerves, the muscles, absolutely everything, Wise said.

SVIDD: This is what it looked like in Wise’s house after the flames had subsided. Photo: GoFundMe.
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However, the mother of three says she cares primarily about her children and said the two youngest daughters had to run to the neighbors for help.

– Of course, it’s something you never want your children to see, he says.

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Despite the injuries, Wise managed to remove the eldest daughter, who is disabled, and also removed the family’s dogs from the home. She is now being treated for the injuries, which cover much of her body.


Haukeland University Hospital’s chief physician and burn specialist, Ragnvald Brekke, tells Dagbladet that this is rare.

– We have not seen any of these injuries in this country, so it cannot be very frequent, says Brekke, who adds that if there is a high percentage of alcohol then the alcohol in the hands can burn.

However, he says that sometimes people come in with alcohol burns.

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– We see examples of people who, for example, have had alcohol spilled on them that have turned on, such as isopropyl alcohol. Flame injuries in general are usually quite deep injuries, says the superior.

– The volume obviously has something to say. If an entire container catches fire, it can be seriously damaged. It’s a bit like a fire in the lighter fluid bottle next to the grill, says Brekke.

Want financial help

Kathryn Bonesteel, a friend of the single mother, has created a GoFundMe site to help Wise deal with financial difficulties that arose after the accident.

“Covid-19 has brought several unsafe products to store shelves, and many of them have not been properly tested. Be careful what you touch your body,” is written on the page.

Wise’s home is in poor condition after the incident, and furniture and other belongings have been damaged by smoke, according to the GoFundMe site.

BURNS: Wise experienced the flames spread throughout his body when the disinfectant exploded. Photo: GoFundMe.
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Bonesteel writes on the page that Wise “has lost her home, her children are traumatized and she needs reconstructive surgery.”

She asks for donations to help Wise, who must find a new place to live with her family when she is discharged. The funding drive has so far raised more than $ 10,000.

Warns against unprofessional hand alcohol

KiiltoClean AS is the manufacturer behind the well-known hand sanitizer and the Antibac brand. They warn against the use and, above all, the internal production of hand disinfection.

On their website, they write that developing effective hand sanitizers is precision work that requires extensive laboratory testing to find the correct composition and concentration of various ingredients and active ingredients.

“Deviations of less than one percent of each ingredient and active ingredient can be decisive for the disinfecting effect of various microorganisms, in addition to having an impact on how the skin is affected,” says the company.
