19 employees quarantined in Haukeland – VG


INFECTION: Five patients were isolated after three Haukeland University Hospital employees were diagnosed with a covid-19 infection. Photo: Frode Hansen

Helse Bergen chooses to quarantine 19 employees after an outbreak at the hospital.

On Friday, it emerged that three employees at Helse Bergen had been confirmed to be infected with corona.

All three worked in different departments of the hospital, and Helse Bergen decided they would tighten infection control measures in the emergency department to prevent infection from entering the hospital.

It was first said that there were 16 people in quarantine, but now the number has risen to 19, Helse Bergen writes in a press release.

Additionally, five patients have been isolated, as they may have been in close contact with those infected, writes Bergens Tidene. In a press release, the hospital claims that two of the patients tested negative.

They also write that infection screening from the hospital has been completed.

– We are also in dialogue with the municipality of Bergen about greater detection of infections in the municipality, says director Marta Ebbing in the press release.

– We are now working to find the infection routes and so far we have no reason to believe that any of them are infected at work, he adds.

Check the increase in infection in Bergen in the following graph:

VG uses the official infectious disease registry of the National Institute of Public Health (MSIS). The FHI figures may differ somewhat from those of the municipality because people are registered at their registered address.

The cases of infection occurred at the same time that Bergen is experiencing a major outbreak of infection, which is primarily related to the student community.

On Saturday, 120 students from the Norwegian School of Management were confirmed to be infected, leading to the cancellation of all physical education through Friday, September 11, inclusive.

Despite this, FHI did not want to recommend masks on public transport in Bergen, which they justify with that “the outbreak appears to be limited and the contagion pressure does not appear to be increasing in the general part of the population.”

Fredrikstad and Sarpsborg are also experiencing an outbreak of infection and around 1,100 people have been quarantined in municipalities.

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